Information Literacy Program Learning Outcome 2
PLO2: Through engagement with information literacy instruction by a faculty librarian, students will gain insight and understanding about diverse sources of information in order to evaluate and use resources appropriately for their information needs.
Below are all Classroom Activity Reports written by faculty librarians that describe activity and assessment that support PLO2 since the Weinberg Memorial Library began outcomes-based assessment in 2013.
As of June 2022 there are 95 Classroom Activity Reports that map to Information Literacy PLO2. Additional data for AY22-23 and AY23-24 coming soon.
AY21-22 Classroom Activity Reports
Fall 2021 |
CMPS/IT 112: Introduction to Computing and Information Technology (EP) Librarian: Prof. Ian O'Hara Course Instructor: Prof. Richard Plishka |
HIST 190: Digital History (EP) Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek Course Instructor: Dr. Aiala Levy |
PS 210: Political Science Research (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas Course Instructor: Dr. Michael Allison |
PSYC 140: Current Topics in Psychological Science (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas Course Instructor: Dr. Jill Warker |
Spring 2022 |
BIOL 351L: Developmental Biology Lab Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek Course Instructor: Dr. Ashley Driver |
CMPS 112: Introduction to Computing and Information Technology (EP) Librarian: Prof. Ian O'Hara Course Instructor: Prof. John Kaufman |
INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP) 4 Faculty Librarians 9 Course Sections Total |
PT 772: Scientific Inquiry II for Physical Therapy Librarian: Prof. Ian O'Hara Course Instructor: Dr. Renée Hakim |
WRTG 107: Composition (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas Course Instructor: Prof. Dawn D’Aries Zera |
AY20-21 Classroom Activity Reports
Fall 2020 |
EDUC 113: Reading-Research (Gonzaga Program) Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas Course Instructor: Dr. Amy Simolo |
ESL 101: Academic ESL I Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas Course Instructor: Prof. Hannah Jackson |
HAD 519: Health Services and Systems Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette Course Instructor: Dr. Steven Szydlowski |
OT 120: Foundations of Occupational Therapy (EP) Librarian: Prof. Ian O’Hara 2 Course Sections |
PCPS 122X: Foundations of Professional Integrity (EP) Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette Course Instructor: Dr. William Miller |
T/RS 122: Theology II: Christian Theology Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek Course Instructor: Prof. Joshua Arp |
WRTG 107: Composition (EP) Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio Course Instructor: Prof. Charles Kratz |
Spring 2021 |
COMM 240: Communications Research Methods Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette Course Instructor: Dr. Brian Snee |
HIST 250: History of Science and Society Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio Course Instructor: Dr. Paul Sampson |
INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP) 4 Faculty Librarians 13 Course Sections Total (6 sections were a part of the Gonzaga Program) |
OT 250: Scientific Writing & Information Literacy in OT (EP) Librarian: Prof. Ian O'Hara Course Instructor: Dr. Julie Nastasi |
T/RS 121: Theology I: Introduction to the Bible Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek Course Instructor: Dr. Paul Witek |
AY19-20 Classroom Activity Reports
Fall 2019 |
ACC 463/527: Financial Statement Analysis & Research (EP)/Financial Reporting & Research Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette Course Instructor: Dr. David Salerno |
COUN 509: Professional Issues for Counselors Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas 2 Course Sections |
EDUC 113: Reading-Research (Gonzaga Program) Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas Course Instructor: Dr. Amy Simolo |
NURS 140: Introduction to Nursing Concepts (EP) Librarian: Prof. Ian O’Hara Course Instructor: Dr. Lisa Lesneski |
OT 501: Leadership in Occupational Therapy Librarian: Prof. Ian O’Hara Course Instructor: Dr. Marlene Morgan |
Spring 2020 |
HRS 293: Research Applications in Human Resources Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette Course Instructor: Dr. William Miller |
INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP) 5 Faculty Librarians 12 Course Sections Total (5 sections were a part of the Gonzaga Program) |
OT 393: Research Methods in Occupational Therapy (EP) Librarian: Prof. Ian O’Hara Course Instructor: Dr. Carol Coté |
PHIL 401J: Philosophy, Politics, Economics Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio Course Instructor: Dr. Matthew Meyer |
PT 772: Scientific Inquiry II for Physical Therapy Librarian: Prof. Ian O’Hara Course Instructor: Dr. Renée Hakim |
WRTG 107: Composition (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas Course Instructor: Prof. Julie Lartz |
AY18-19 Classroom Activity Reports
Fall 2018 |
BUS 140K: Business Oral and Information Proficiency (EP) Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette Course Instructor: Prof. Vincent Rocco |
CHED 310: Health Education: Theory, Research and Practice (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas Course Instructor: Dr. Debra Fetherman |
COMM 121X: Mythology in the Media (EP) Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette Course Instructor: Dr. Howard Fisher |
HIST 190: Digital History (EP) Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio Course Instructor: Dr. Adam Pratt |
INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP) 4 Faculty Librarians 6 Course Sections |
INTD 119X: Making Meaning of 9/11 (EP) Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek Course Instructor: Dr. Teresa Grettano |
MKT 563/475: Global Marketing/International Marketing Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette Course Instructor: Dr. Abhijit Roy |
OT 501: Leadership in Occupational Therapy Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas Course Instructor: Dr. Marlene Morgan |
Spring 2019 |
COMM 240: Communications Research Methods Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette Course Instructor: Dr. Hyuk Jun Cheong |
EXSC 110: Introduction to Kinesiology (EP) Librarian: Prof. Ian O’Hara Course Instructor: Dr. Bryon Applequist |
INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP) 5 Faculty Librarians 9 Course Sections (6 sections were a part of the Gonzaga Program) |
PS 110: Scranton and the World (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas Course Instructor: Dr. Michael Allison |
WRTG 107: Composition (EP) Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette Course Instructor: Dr. Toni Glover |
WRTG 107: Composition (EP) Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek Course Instructor: Prof. Dawn D’Aries Zera |
AY17-18 Classroom Activity Reports
Fall 2017 |
BIOL 141L: General Biology I Lab (EP) 5 Faculty Librarians 17 Course Sections |
COMM 330: Advertising Decision Making Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette Course Instructor: Dr. Stacy Smulowitz |
ENGR 150/PHYS 150: Foundations of Physics and Engineering (EP) Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek Course Instructor: Prof. Nicholas Truncale |
INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP) 5 Faculty Librarians 7 Course Sections |
INTD 119X: Making Meaning of 9/11 (EP) Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek Course Instructor: Dr. Teresa Grettano |
OT 140: Intro to Occupational Therapy Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Prof. Karen Weis |
OT 501: Leadership in Occupational Therapy Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas Course Instructor: Dr. Marlene Morgan |
PSIO 220: Advanced Human Anatomy and Physiology Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Dr. Maria Squire |
SPAN 320: Intro to Hispanic Literature Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Dr. Yamile Silva |
WRTG 105: College Writing I (EP) (Gonzaga Program) (1 of 2) Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Prof. Julie Lartz |
WRTG 105: College Writing I (EP) (Gonzaga Program) (2 of 2) Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Prof. Julie Lartz |
WRTG 107: Composition (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Dr. Toni Glover |
WRTG 107: Composition (EP) Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio Course Instructor: Prof. Jonathan Rounds |
Spring 2018 |
EDUC 102: Educational Skills in a Global Society (EP) Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio Course Instructor: Dr. Sandra Pesavento |
EDUC 102: Educational Skills in a Global Society (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kelly Banyas Course Instructor: Dr. Catherine Richmond-Cullen |
INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP) 3 Faculty Librarians 3 Course Sections |
MKT 506: Marketing Management Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette Course Instructor: Prof. Stan Zygmunt |
PSYC 330L: Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences Lab (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Dr. Jill Warker |
WRTG 106: College Writing II (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Prof. Diane Collins |
WRTG 107: Composition (EP) Librarian: Prof. Frank Conserette Course Instructor: Prof. Charles Kratz |
WRTG 107: Composition (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Prof. Julie Lartz |
WRTG 107: Composition (EP) Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio Course Instructor: Prof. Bonnie Markowski |
AY16-17 Classroom Activity Reports
Fall 2016 |
BIOL 141L: General Biology I Lab (EP) 2 Faculty Librarians 16 Course Sections |
INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP) 2 Faculty Librarians 2 Course Sections |
SPAN 331: Spanish-American Literature Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Dr. Yamile Silva |
Spring 2017 |
HIST 140: The Craft of the Historian Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Dr. David Dzurec |
OT 393: Research Methods in OT Librarian: Prof. Bonnie Oldham 4 Course Sections |
AY15-16 Classroom Activity Reports
Fall 2015 |
BUS 184: ST: Oral and Information Proficiency (EP) Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio 4 Course Sections |
ENLT 142X: Latest and Greatest (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Dr. Rebecca Beal |
INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP) 2 Faculty Librarians 2 Course Sections |
WRTG 107: Composition (EP) Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek Course Instructor: Prof. Emily Denison |
Spring 2016 |
EXSC 435: Exercise, Nutrition, and Women's Health Librarian: Prof. Bonnie Oldham Course Instructor: Dr. Jessica Bachman |
EXSC 448: Research Methods Librarian: Prof. Bonnie Oldham Course Instructor: Dr. Scott Breloff |
INTD 112: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP) 3 Faculty Librarians 3 Course Sections |
OT 393: Research Methods in OT Librarian: Prof. Bonnie Oldham 3 Course Sections |
PSYC 330L: Research Methods in the Behavioral Sciences Lab Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Dr. Jill Warker |
WRTG 224: Rhetoric and Social Media Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek Course Instructors: Dr. Teresa Grettano & Prof. Donna Witek |
AY14-15 Classroom Activity Reports
Fall 2014 |
ENLT 142X: Latest and Greatest (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructors: Dr. Rebecca Beal & Dr. Hank Willenbrink |
INTD 184: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP) 4 Faculty Librarians 4 Course Sections |
SOC 218: Sociological Theory Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek Course Instructor: Dr. Meghan Rich |
Spring 2015 |
PS 131: American National Government II (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Dr. Jean Harris |
WRTG 107: Composition (EP) Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek 3 Course Sections |
AY13-14 Classroom Activity Reports
Fall 2013 |
HAD 519: Health Services and Systems Librarian: Prof. George Aulisio Course Instructor: Dr. Peter Olden |
HIST 110X: Jesuits and American History to 1877 (EP) Librarian: Prof. Kevin Norris Course Instructor: Dr. David Dzurec |
Spring 2014 |
ENLT 120: Introduction to Fiction Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek Course Instructor: Prof. Carl Schaffer |
INTD 184: Eloquentia Perfecta Foundations (EP) 6 Faculty Librarians 6 Course Sections |
T/RS 121: Theology I: Intro to the Bible Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek 5 Course Sections |
WRTG 106: College Writing II Librarian: Prof. Donna Witek Course Instructor: Dr. Teresa Grettano |
WRTG 107: Composition Librarian: Prof. Betsey Moylan Course Instructor: Prof. Charles Kratz |
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The University of Scranton
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Library Services: 570-941-4000