Readmission to the University

  • A student who fails to enroll for a semester without an approved leave of absence must apply for readmission and will be subject to the catalog requirements in effect at the time of readmission.

  • A student on an approved leave of absence must apply for readmission, however, the student will retain the same catalog requirements in effect at matriculation as long as their leave does not extend beyond a year.

  • University policy prohibits students dismissed from another institution or a college of the University from registering for courses in any of the colleges of the University in the semester following dismissal. An undergraduate student who has been dismissed from The University of Scranton and wishes to apply for readmission to the University may do so no sooner than one full semester after the semester in which the dismissal took place. Readmission is not automatic; the student will need to demonstrate that the conditions which led to the dismissal will not present a continuing problem. Readmission is not permitted if a student is dismissed a second time from the University. 

  • All students must apply for readmission to the University through the college in which the intended program of study is housed. The dean of that college (i.e., the readmitting dean) will confer with the student’s dean of last attendance at the University, if different from the readmitting dean. When determining eligibility for readmission, the dean may review the student’s academic transcript and record. The dean may also confer with Student Formation about any disciplinary or mental health issues that might preclude readmission, and if the student was on medical leave, may also require documentation from the health-care provider that the student may now resume their studies.

  • If the student is requesting readmission into a program other than the one of her/his last attendance, the readmitting dean will confer with the department chair or director of the program to which the student is requesting readmission regarding program-specific admission requirements. If the student attended another college or university subsequent to her/his last attendance at the University, the student must submit an official transcript from that institution to the readmitting dean before that dean will render a final decision on readmission.

  • The dean will render a final readmission decision and inform the student and Office of the Registrar. If the dean renders a decision to readmit the student, that official transcript will then be forwarded to the Office of the Registrar for analysis/determination of transfer credit acceptable toward the intended program of study. Pre-permission to take courses elsewhere is valid only if the student continues in the same program, and if there have been no significant curricular changes mandated by relevant certification bodies in the interim that would affect the transfer credit.Transfer courses would need to be reevaluated upon readmission if the student changes programs.

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