Upcoming University Police Events

S.A.F.E. Program


 S.A.F.E. (Self-defense Awareness & Familiarization Exchange) is a 2-hour educational awareness, crime prevention program that provides participants with information that may reduce their risk of exposure to violence and introduces them to the physical aspects of self-defense. S.A.F.E. provides participants with solid risk-reduction and personal safety-awareness information to incorporate into their everyday lives through training focused primarily on awareness and prevention; but also to educate women about realistic options that will help them avoid, escape, and survive assaults should they occur. 

safe program


Friday, February 16th from 7-9pm in DeNaples 405
Tuesday, March 27th from 6-8pm in DeNaples 405
Thursday, April 26th from 7-9pm in DeNaples 405

If you have any questions regarding this program, or would like to schedule a session for your own club or group please contact:

Erica Armstrong
The University of Scranton
Operations Coordinator | University Police 
820 Mulberry St. Scranton, PA 18510
erica.armstrong@scranton.edu | 570-941-7880


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