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Counseling and Human Services
Let's Get Started!
- Visit The Center for Career Development to develop a personal career plan
- Meet with your academic advisor to explore minors and concentrations
- Create a resume to prepare for any career opportunity
- Register with Handshake to learn about part-time and summer jobs
- Become involved in clubs and organizations, such as the Counseling and Human Services Association to enhance interpersonal, communication, and leadership skills.
- Join professional networks such as the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS) and PA Counseling Association.
- Participate in volunteer activities in the Jesuit tradition
- Maintain a good GPA and seek out the resources available at the CTLE
- Build relationships with University professors, advisors, and staff members to add to your existing network
- Participate in Tapestry programs
- Meet with your career counselor to update your career plan
- Continue to research and explore career options; What You Can Do With A Human Services Degree?
- Learn about volunteer, internships, summer job openings, and experiential learning opportunities
- Continue to strive for a strong GPA and academic achievements
- Create a LinkedIn account and connect with alumni
- Upload your resume to Handshake for review and approval
- Conduct informational interviews with professionals in the Counseling field
- Participate in career-related workshops and presentations sponsored by the Center for Career Development
- Attend Virtual Career Events and Fairs
- Investigate and join professional associations, such as the National Organization for Human Services (NOHS)
- Participate in Tapestry programs
- Planning to attend graduate school?
- Attend Virtual Career Events and Fairs
- Consider applying for the accelerated program at The University of Scranton
- Explore graduate school program options and take the necessary entrance tests
- Meet with your career counselor to update your career plan
- Obtain the required clearances for CHS program (PATCH, fingerprints, and child abuse), and complete 150 hour internship needed for fieldwork.
- Update your professional documents such as resume, cover letter, LinkedIn profile, and Handshake profile to apply for internships
- Continue to network with professionals using LinkedIn and alumni gatherings
- Maintain involvement in extracurricular activities and take on a leadership role
- Attend Virtual Career Events and Fairs
- Participate in career-related workshops and presentations sponsored by the Center for Career Development
- Practice interviewing with a mock interview or use Big Interview
- Participate in Tapestry programs
- Planning to attend graduate school?
- Attend Virtual Career Events and Fairs
- Consider applying for the accelerated program at The University of Scranton
- Explore graduate school program options and take the necessary entrance tests
- Meet with your career counselor to update your career plan
- Obtain and complete 200 hour internship; renew background checks if necessary
- Continue to expand your professional network
- Update your CHS resume on Handshake to search and apply for positions
- Attend Virtual Career Events and Fairs
- Practice interviewing with a mock interview or use Big Interview
- Participate in Tapestry programs
- Apply for HS-BCP certification (Human Services- Board Certified Practitioner) by contacting campus coordinator, Dr. Paul Datti: paul.datti@scranton.edu
- Participate in career-related workshops and presentations sponsored by the Center for Career Development
- Planning to attend graduate school?
- Attend Virtual Career Events and Fairs
- Consider applying for the accelerated program at The University of Scranton
- Explore graduate school program options and take the necessary entrance tests
- Report your post-graduation plans to The Center for Career Development, and provide your personal email address!
Office Information
- Loyola Science Center (LSC) 235
Scranton, PA 18510
Phone: 570-941-7640
careers@scranton.edu - Directions to Campus
- Campus Map
- Meet the Career Center Team
Office Hours
- 8:30am - 4:30pm (Mon. - Fri.)
Contact Us
The Roche Family Center for Career Development
Loyola Science Center (LSC) 235
Scranton, PA 18510
Phone: 570-941-7640