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211 St. Thomas
Scranton, PA 18510-4699
p:(570) 941-6480
Ignatian Spirituality: Faith for Real Life Seminar
Since 2013, the Jesuit Center has offered two-day seminars multiple times a year for employees interested in learning more about the role faith plays in their lives and the life of the University of Scranton.
Taking a practical, healthy – Jesuit – approach to spirituality and the mission of the University of Scranton, these faith-based seminars cover topics ranging from the integration of Ignatian spirituality and values into our daily lives, to the role lay people play in Jesuit education. Participants engage readings, talks, videos, and film to explore ways in which we can better connect our lives and work to the mission of the University.
Seminars either take place at the Chapman Lake Retreat Center or on campus. For the seminars that take place at Chapman Lake, participants are welcome to stay the night. During the warmer months, down time (time between sessions and in the evenings) consists of swimming, kayaking and spending time outside with our friends and colleagues. It is less like a seminar, and much more like a retreat.
Each academic year begins a new, year-long cycle of seminars and will offer new material. You may take part in one seminar per cycle.
For staff wanting to attend, if the hours of the seminar coincide with your normal work hours, you have to seek supervisor approval prior to applying for the seminar. Should you be selected to attend, you will be required to use mission leave or vacation time for your time away from work.
Please note that space is limited and selection is based on several factors, e.g. I do not want to accept too many participants from any one department or division. I also want to make sure that there is space for new participants.
Participants will receive a stipend of $300 upon completion of the seminar ($150 per day).
Applications are now being accepted for this years seminars. Please email Ryan Sheehan with a brief explanation as to why you would like to attend and give preference to which seminar you wish to attend.