The Jesuit Center
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First Year Faculty Ignatian Workshop
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- Ignatius and The Society of Jesus
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Ignatian Pedagogy and Social Justice
- Dean Brackley Higher Standards
- Do Catholic Universities Still Have a Value Proposition?
- Finding God in All Things- Michael Himes
- Hellwig from Ignatian Reader
- Three Crucial Topics in Jesuit Higher Education
- Can Jesuit Institutions Afford Formation For Mission?
- Without a Vision, the people Perish - Lessons from Wheeling
- The Pedro Arrupe, S.J. Award
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Contact Us
- The Jesuit Center
211 St. Thomas
Scranton, PA 18510-4699
p:(570) 941-6480
Facilities Operations Department Retreats
Offered twice yearly, these one-day retreats take place at the Chapman Lake Retreat House and allow personnel from the Facilities Operations Department to get away from their daily routines and engage their colleagues in conversation on their roles within the life of the University.