Message from the President
Dear Friends,
When I arrived in July to take office as President of The University of Scranton, my enthusiasm and excitement for joining a remarkable academic community was coupled with an eagerness to get to know my new home - the City of Scranton and Northeastern Pennsylvania.
It has often been said of St. Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Jesuits, that he wanted to be where the action is, amidst people and communities. As a President of a Jesuit and Catholic institution, I believe that the well being of universities and their cities are very much intertwined. I am committed to community engagement - to educating our students to become men and women for others who can go and set the world on fire.
As a great legacy of Bishop O'Hara, the University has always and will always treasure its relationship with the City. In the short time I have been here, you have impressed me with your generous and welcoming hearts, your rich history, and your commitment to community.
Just as you have warmly welcomed me, I encourage all of you to participate in the life of the University through lectures, concerts, plays, athletics or the library. While the year will give you many such opportunities, I want to invite you personally to join me on September
16th for our Inauguration Ceremony, which celebrates the past, present and future of The University of Scranton.
Kevin P. Quinn, S.J.