Meet the Candidates
Executive Ticket (President, Vice-President)
Maria Stephen and Amanda Campbell
Maria Stephen is a junior triple major in History, Political Science and Philosophy with a legal studies concentration from Montgomery County, PA. She has served as Vice President since May 2023 and as Class of 2025 Senator since the Fall of 2021. She is now aspiring to be your next SG President. Throughout her three years in Student Government, she has been an active member dedicated to increasing inclusivity and safety on campus. She has written club charters and worked with various clubs, created her own event called “Speed Faithing” and advocated for diversity and inclusivity on campus. This year, she serves as Chair of Senate, member of the University Planning Committee, and representative on the Board of Trustees Student Life Committee. Through these roles, she advocates for all students and focuses on ensuring that students feel safe and cared for on campus. As Vice President, she helps senators fulfill their passion projects and ensure club charters are processed. Besides Student Government, she is involved in Mock Trial, the Pre-Law Society, Campus Ministries, Slattery Center, and part of the Special Jesuit Liberal Arts (SJLA) honors program. As President, she will continue advocating and serving you. Amanda Campbell is the current SG Chief of Staff. She oversees and manages the Cabinet’s projects, speaks and provides updates at Club Council meetings, teaches and maintains parliamentary procedure during Senate meetings, and, probably most known to you, meticulously plans and runs Grocery Bingo! She also served as a Class of 2025 Senator previously, where she served on the Academic and Scholastic Affairs Committee. She serves on the Board of Trustees Student Life Committee alongside the Library Advisory Committee, where she provides student opinions, most recently in helping the Library with renovation ideas. Outside of Student Government, she is a Presidential Scholar and junior Nursing student from Long Island, NY. Each of these involvements have provided her with the skills necessary to serve as your next Student Government VP, and she is so excited and ready to take on this esteemed role. In the past two years, Maria and Amanda have worked closely together on Student Government and on University committees. Together they will prioritize continuing Student Government projects, promoting mental health, promoting club events and making changes you see and feel. They will also ensure Student Government is an approachable group for students and foster an inviting space for Senators and students to bring their projects to fruition while being supported by them. Maria and Amanda hope to make the campus a place where students feel at home, safe, and cared for. They are dedicated and experienced in creating positive change on campus that constituents appreciate. Above all, Maria and Amanda want to serve you - ensure you feel heard and seen by them, and foster a campus that values the students. Maria and Amanda are ready to lead the student body and Senate passionately to continue to being your voice. Vote Maria and Amanda to be your next Student Government President and Vice President.
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Lamar Bishop and Chelsea Curran
Lamar Bishop is a rising senior, double majoring in Business Administration & Management, with a Concentration in Legal Studies. Born up north in Bronx, New York, but later moved down south to Georgia, Lamar is the eldest of 3, having a younger brother & sister. Incidentally, he’s also a first-generation student. Extensively involved in clubs/organizations throughout high school, Lamar is also quite involved around campus, being the vice president of FBLA, a student consultant of PILLAR, the Student Learning Chair of KSAB, and much more. Lamar is also a Resident Assistant and Royal Ambassador. Personality-wise, he’s friendly, observant, honest, and ambitious. Lamar is also known to be responsible, dependable, and trustworthy. His hobbies are vast, extending to writing books, playing video games, creative planning, tutoring, and coding. Lamar dabbles in a bit of everything, to say the least. Currently, Lamar’s aspiration is to strengthen and embolden the Scranton experience for students here at the University of Scranton and his long-term goal is to earn his MBA. Chelsea Curran is a rising junior, majoring in Political Science, minoring in English, with a Concentration in Legal Studies. Chelsea grew up in Bucks County, PA which is about 2 hours from Scranton. This year, Chelsea has had the honor to advocate for fellow students through her elected position as a Student Government Senator for the Class of 2026 and as a PILLAR Student Partner. As a Class Senator, she has been working with various departments to facilitate communication between faculty and students, solicit donations from alumni to increase the amount in scholarships that students can receive, distribute club funding based on a set budget to promote student engagement, and organize fundraisers that raise awareness about local causes. As a PILLAR Student Partner, she has teamed up with a professor to adjust teaching styles, improve the fairness of assignments and exams for students, and generate strategies that boost class participation and engagement. These two experiences have ignited her interest in being part of organizations and taking on meaningful work so that I can serve and advocate for others. Chelsea can be described as humorous, passionate, hardworking, and easy going. For fun, she would like to note that she is an avid chess player and a casual reader.
Kyle Kennelly and Brigid Carlin
In the 3 short years I’ve been here at the University of Scranton, service and I have been inseparable. Whether it’s for my teammates on the Scranton Norseman Rugby Team, the everyday people I talk to and meet, or with my work for the Center for Service & Social Justice, I strive to serve all those around me. I have personal experience dealing with complex issues such as the Food Insecurity Crisis here in Scranton through my work at the Center for Service & Social Justice. Along with my Vice Presidential Nominee, Brigid Carlin, we aim to serve you, the voter, and the University Community at-large. Approachability is a key tenet of our plan for serving the University and it is Brigid and I’s intention to listen to all the concerns brought to our attention because your thoughts and opinions matter! Vote Kennelly Carlin ‘24 & Be Heard!
Class of 2025 Candidates (4)
Brian Castrogiovanni
Brian Castrogiovanni a sophomore running for Class of 2025 Senator. Brian is from Moscow PA and is double majoring in Political Science/Public Policy and Service with a minor in Criminal Justice and a concentration in Legal Studies. After graduating he plans to pursue a career in the legal field. Born and raised in Lackawanna County, Brian has always considered Scranton his home. From a very young age, he has been involved in public service. From achieving the rank of Eagle Scout where he completed hundreds of hours of community service, to serving as a member of Moscow Borough Council where he was the head of the Young Visionaries Committee, public service has been his way of channeling his desire to make the community a better place for all who call it home. At the University Brian is involved with the Pre-Law Society and is a Co-Captain and competing member of the Mock Trial Team where he, along with the rest of the team, have traveled and competed against the top teams in America. For the past year, Brian has channeled his energy and passion into making Scranton the place he knows it can be. As a Class of 2025 Senator he has pushed for a student-oriented approach in all facets of university life including academic and scholastic affairs, dining services, sustainability, education cost, and student happiness. He is running for reelection to continue his work and keep fighting for all his fellow students and for a better, brighter tomorrow.
Theresa Pham
Theresa Pham is running for class of 2025 senator. She has been on student government since her freshman year. She began with serving on the campus life and dining committee and was appointed the chair of that committee her second year. She also served on the University Planning Committee that year. During her third year, she was appointed the cabinet secretary and served on the first all-female executive cabinet at Scranton! Additionally, she served as the head of the student sub-committee on the Council of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
Joseph Agnone
Hi everyone, my name is JJ Agnone and I'd like to represent you again as senator for the class of 2025. I've lots of experience working with Campus Life and Dining and I hope to continue appreciating staff with events and biographies and getting students more diverse dining oppurtunities.
Class of 2026 Candidates (4)
Michael Nicotera
Sophomore Economics and Philosophy major, with a minor in leadership. Is part of the Business Leadership Honors Program, the Special Jesuit Liberal Arts Program, the Kania Honors Program, and the University Honors Program. Pursuing concurrent degrees in the CAS and KSOM and active writer for the Scranton Christians for the Common Good reading group.
Emily Carey
Emily Carey is a Sophomore running for a class of 2026 Senate seat. She double-majors in Public Policy & Service and Philosophy and is a member of both SJLA and the University Honors Program. A member of the Dean’s List and recepient of the Frank O’Hara Award, she certainly has the academic credentials to effectively fight for your interests. Also a member of the Women’s Rugby team and the Pre-Law Society, she is active on campus and understands what students need. She is committed to working on any issues that are important to the class of 2026, but especially understands the need for fixing problems with the bookstore, ensuring that clubs and club sports get the support they need, and helping students get more out of their meal plans. She is excited to put in the work needed to make Scranton a better place for students, so vote for Emily and she will “Carey” you to success!

Class of 2027 Candidates (4)
Anya Kelly
Hi!! My name is Anya Kelly and I am a freshman running for Senator of Student Government! At the university, I am involved in Circle K Club, The Counseling and Services Association (CHSA), Kindness for Chemo, Irish Cultural Society, Student Education Club (SECUS), the current Senator of the Class of 2027 in Student Government, an Orientation Assistant for the incoming Class of 2028, and I am also on the cross country and track teams at Scranton!
Megan Davis
Megan Davis is a current freshman majoring in nursing with a concentration in legal studies from Lansdale, PA. She is involved in the Student Nurses Association, Pre-Law Society, Mock Trial team, and the Kindness for Chemo club. She also enjoys the running club and playing intramural soccer, basketball, and volleyball. Off campus, she volunteers at the soup kitchen and lifegaurds. Megan hopes to be a voice for her classmates and get to know new people!
Kaitlyn Johnson
Kaitlyn Johnson is a Business Communications major from Long Island, NY. Kaitlyn was involved in student government for the entirety of her high school career and she during her time at Scranton has been appointed as a Class of 2027 Senator for the Spring 2024 semester. Kaitlyn is also involved with other groups on campus including The Aquinas, THR1VE, and the all-female a capella group Royal Harmony. Kaitlyn carries herself with a bubbly and enthusiastic personality. These traits help her to lead others and encourage collaborative environments. Kaitlyn plans to serve the remainder of her current term with a focus and emphasis on student engagement and highlighting student success. She plans to continue that focus if elected. She feels proud to be a member of the University of Scranton student body and wants to help her peers establish that pride alongside her. Kaitlyn is thankful for all the support she has received from her peers and hopes you will vote for her this election season!
Morgan Ryan
Morgan Ryan is an Advertising/Public Relations major from Woodbridge, NJ. She is thrilled to be running for re-election to the Student Government as a Class of 2027 Senator. On campus, she is involved in The Scrantones, The Aquinas, and intramural volleyball. She hopes to continue serving the student body next year and working with more people in the Scranton community. She hopes everyone has had a great school year and wants to make the next one even better!
Residential Senator Candidates (3)
Edward Drong
My name is Eddie Drong, a Junior at The University of Scranton. I am an occupational therapy major from Flemington, New Jersey. Throughout my time here at the U, I have held various leadership positions including Residence Assistant, Orientation Assistant, and have been selected to be a head resident assistant for the 2024/2025 academic year. Through this, I have been an advocate for students living on campus for the past two years and have enjoyed making a difference. I am also involved in many other clubs on campus including the student occupational therapy association and play intramural volleyball. I am excited to continue my involvements on campus and help make positive change throughout my senior year.
Connor Farrington
Connor Farrington is a rising sophomore Business Analytics major here at the U. He is running for the position of Residential Senator, which he was appointed to back in February. He is currently involved in the LIVA performing arts, intramural sports, Scrantones, and Student Government. He is also volunteering his time as an Orientation Assistant this summer, as well as working for admissions as a Royal Ambassador. He has plenty of leadership and real-life experience. He wants to make sure, as your Residential Senator, that your voice and complaints are heard. Vote for Connor and he will put the FAIR Farrington..
Commuter Senator Candidates (2)

Off-Campus Senator Candidates (2)
All seats currently vacant
International Senator Candidates (1)