City of Scranton Ordinances
A comprehensive list of local ordinances can be found on the City of Scranton website. Below are select ordinances that students may want to familiarize themselves with before moving off campus.
- Rental Property (Chapter 373, City of Scranton Code)
- Property Maintenance (Chapter 360,City of Scranton Code)
- Alcoholic Beverages (Chapter 158,City of Scranton Code)
- Peace and Good Order (Chapter 336, City of Scranton Code)
- Noise (Chapter 317 , City of Scranton Code)
Overview of Rental Property Ordinance
Duties of Occupants of Rental Units
- Maintain unit and premises in good sanitary condition (including proper garbage disposal)
- Report necessary repairs
- Avoid disruptive conduct* that may damage the premises, be a breach of peace, or disturb the community**
- Recycle materials in accordance with the City of Scranton’s Recycling Ordinance
- Avoid intentionally causing or permitting others to damage the unit or premises
- Avoid allowing more than the maximum number of people permitted by the City of Scranton’s Zoning Ordinance to sleep in or occupy overnight the unit
*Disruptive conduct is defined as any form of conduct, action, incident or behavior caused or permitted by any occupant or visitor of a rental unit that is loud, offensive or riotous or that otherwise disturbs other persons of ordinary sensitivity in their peaceful enjoyment of their premises such that a report is made to the Police Department complaining of such conduct, action, incident or behavior. It is not necessary that a criminal offense occur. The owner of the property is notified of disruptive conduct.
**While it now is legal to purchase fireworks in the state of Pennsylvania, the city of Scranton does have certain restrictions about which you should be aware.
- Fireworks cannot be ignited or discharged on a public or private property without express permission of the property owner.
- Fireworks cannot be discharged from or within a motor vehicle or building.
- Fireworks cannot be discharged toward a motor vehicle or building.
- Fireworks cannot be discharged within 150 feet of an occupied structure, whether or not a person is actually present in that building at the time.
- Fireworks cannot be discharged while the person is under the influence of alcohol, a controlled substance, or another drug.
- It also is recommended that prior to engaging in this behavior you check with your local municipality, as you may be subject to other applicable local ordinances.
Closure of Rental Units May Occur When . . .
- Three or more disruptive conduct reports or police reports are generated from activity on a premises within a six (6) month period.
**Note: If a rental unit is closed due to three disruptive reports, it is the responsibility of the occupants to find housing a their own expense.
- The owner or occupant has knowledge of drug activity on premises.
- The unit, common areas or the premises is condemned by appropriate authorities as unsafe for human occupancy or structurally unsafe.
**Note: If a rental unit is condemned or otherwise closed due to the act or omission of the owner, it is the responsibility of the owner to find housing for the occupants at the owner’s expense.