Office of Community-Based Learning
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- Office of Community-Based Learning
- Scranton, PA 18510
- The University of Scranton
Anti-Racism CBL Resources
The murder of George Floyd, along with so many other Black people, has brought renewed attention to racial injustice in our country and the urgent need to work toward systemic change.
Overview of Resources
This page comprises a variety of resources, including from the AJCU network, Campus Compact and other partners, on how to work toward anti-racism in the context of community-based learning and community engagement, including teaching tools, academic articles, and local organizations.
Tools for Learning and Change
For community-based learning to truly meet community-defined needs and help students learn about the realities of our society, it has to involve a keen awareness of the role of racism and its impact on Black lives and other communities of color. To engage with the community as “men and women for others,” students at a Jesuit and Catholic university must first reflect on and explore personal biases and privileges and consider how we bring these into our worlds. Through discussion about root causes of injustice and reflection on ways to stand in solidarity, CBL provides an opportunity to become aware of the pervasive impact of racism and to take action to combat it.
If University faculty would like to recommend resources for inclusion please contact: .
Anti-Racism CBL Resource Collection
General Resource Collections
- Academics for Black Survival and Wellness:
- MidAtlantic Campus Compact Anti-Racism and Equity Resources:
- Work of Robin DiAngelo on White Privilege: (Books & handouts useful in classroom settings)
- 138 Resources to Help You and Your Students Reflect on Anti-Black Racism and Take Action
- Scaffolding Anti-Racism Resources:
- Ignatian Solidarity Network Resources on Racial Justice
- #BlackCatholics Syllabus, Tia Noelle Pratt, PhD
- The Antiracist Starter Kit:
- Racial Equity Tools:
CBL/General Teaching Tools
- “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by Peggy McIntosh
- Critical Service-Learning Conversations Tool, Duke University Service-Learning
- Race Matters: An Instructional Module for College Faculty:
- Teaching The New Jim Crow - Classroom Resources:
- NY Times Lesson Plans & Resources - Race & Racism (some is more K-12 focused)
- Washington Post: Teaching for Black Lives Handbook
- The Seattle Times - "Under Our Skin" Project: (includes short videos/talking points with a variety of perspectives)
- Harvard Implicit Racial Bias Test:
- Project Implicit background:
- When You Forget to Whistle Vivaldi, Tressie McMillan Cottom
- Jesuit Examen for White Allies (Maddie Murphy, Ignatian Solidarity Network)
- Catholic Social Teaching and Racism, Fr. Fred. Kammer, S.J. Jesuit Social Research Institute
- Campus Compact Resources on Power and Privilege
Local Scranton Organizations/Resources
- Black Scranton Project
- Black Business Directory:
- Greater Scranton MLK Commission
- NEPA’s Role in the Underground Railroad
- Embattled Freedom by Jim Remsen, Book/Website
- WVIA Segment with local Civil War historian E.J. Murphy
- Scranton Area Ministerium
- The Center for Anti-Slavery Studies (headquarters in Montrose, PA):
- Information on Underground Railroad in Northeastern, PA
National Community/City/Higher Ed Organization Resources
- National League of Cities: Racial Equity Resources and Reports
- Local and Regional Government Alliance on Race and Equity
- Race Forward Racial Justice Tools
- Association of American Colleges and Universities
- Higher Education’s Role in Promoting Racial Healing and the Power of Wonder:’s-role-promoting-racial-healing-and-power-wonder
- Diversity, Equity and Student Success Resources:
- Council on Urban and Metropolitan Universities (CUMU)
- Exploring the Relationship Between the Anchor Mission and Racial Equity
Academic Articles
- Challenging Racism and White Privilege in Undergraduate Theology Contexts: Teaching and Learning Strategies for Maximizing the Promise of Community Service‐Learning, Jennifer Reed‐Bouleyand Eric Kyle, Volume 18, Issue 1, 17 January 2015, Teaching Theology and Religion.
- White Students' Experiences of Privilege and Socioeconomic Disparities: Toward a Theoretical Model, Dunlap, Michelle; Scoggin, Jennifer; Green, Patrick; Davi, Angelique, Volume 13, Spring 2007, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning,
- Service Learning as a Pedagogy of Whiteness, Tania D. Mitchell; David M. Donahue; Courtney Young-Law, 45:4, 2012, Equity & Excellence in Education, 612-629, DOI: 1080/10665684.2012.715534
- “It Didn’t Seem Like Race Mattered”: Exploring the Implications of Service-learning Pedagogy for Reproducing or Challenging Color-blind Racism, Becker, S.; Paul, C., 43(3), 2015,Teaching Sociology, 184–200.
- Multicultural Service-Learning And Community-Based Research As a Model Approach to Promote Social Justice, Rosner-Salazar; Theresa Ann, vol. 30, no. 4 (94), 2003, Social Justice, pp. 64–76. JSTOR,
- “Maybe This Is Because of Society?”: Disrupting and Engaging Discourses of Race in the Context of a Service-learning Project, Veloria, C. N. , vol. 39, n. 2, 2015, Humanity & Society, 135–155, 2015. DOI 10.1177/0160597615574741
- How Service Learning Enacts Social Justice Sensemaking, Mitchell, Tania D., Journal of Critical Thought and Praxis, 2 (2), 2014.
From Critical To Decolonizing Service Learning: Limits and Possibilities of Social Justice–Based Approaches to Community Service-Learning, Santiago-Ortiz, J.D., Aurora, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, Vol. 25, Issue 1, Winter 2019.;c=mjcsl;c=mjcsloa;idno=3239521.0025.104;g=mjcslg;rgn=main;view=text;xc=1
Jesuit University Perspectives
- Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities: Jesuit Institutions Advocate for Racial Justice
- Service-Learning: A Powerful Pedagogy for Promoting Academic Success Among Students of Color, Michelle Sterk Barrett; Isabelle Jenkins, Volume 6, Issue 1, 2018, International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement.
- "But You Aren’t White:” Racial Perceptions and Service-Learning, Green, Ann E., 8, Michigan Journal of Community Service Learning, 2001 p. 18-26
- Feminist Service Learning: Teaching about Oppression to Work toward Social Change, Seethaler, Ina C., 25, no. 1, 2014, Feminist Teacher, p. 39-54. doi:10.5406/femteacher.25.1.0039
- Examin for Racism:
- Toward A Catholic Understanding of the Phrase "Black Lives Matter"
- Catholic 101: Church Teaching and the Anti-Racism Movement
- Ignatian Solidarity Network: How to Get Started in Racial Equity Work: Plant a Justice T.R.E.E.E.
- Hernandez, Kortney, Service Learning as a Political Act in Education: Bicultural Foundations for a Decolonizing Pedagogy, 1st edition, Routledge, 2017; ISBN-13: 978-1138739147; ISBN-10: 1138739146
- Additional publications by Kortney Hernandez:
- Liberating Service Learning, and the Rest of Higher Education Civic Engagement, Stoecker; Randy. 2016. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Recorded Sessions & Videos
- “How to Facilitate an Exploration of Epistemic Justice & Community Engagement Through Stories” - Campus Compact Conference 2020 session
- "The Danger of a Single Story" - TEDtalk by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Discipline Specific CBL Resources
Examples of Community Partnerships and Community-based Participatory Action Research Tied to Race and Criminal Justice
- Building Community-Police Relations by Building Community-Community Relations, Randy Stoecker, et al., July 10, 2019, Police Chief Online.
- Why I Can't Stand Out in Front of My House?': Street Identified Black Youth and Young Adult’s Negative Encounters with Police, Payne, Y. A.; Hitchens, B.; Chambers, D. L., 32, 2017, Sociological Forum, 874-895.
Resources on the Social Determinants of Health
- On health disparities – interactive tool provides area deprivation index by zip code: