Peer Reviewed - Journal Articles
Mbugua, T., & Trube, M. B. (2018). Early Childhood Education, Care, and Development: Perspectives from around the Globe. Global Education Review, 5(2), 1-7.
Mbugua, T. (2017). Reflection on Early Childhood Education: A Timely Sabbatical in Singapore. Early Educators: A Folio for Educators by Educators. Issue No.30: 75-77.
Arndt, S., Tesar, Pupala, B., Kaščák, O. and Mbugua, T. (2016). Re-Negotiating an ethics of care in Kenyan childhoods. Human Affairs, 26, 288-303.
Kascak, O., Pupala, B., Mbugua, T. (2016). Slovak Preschool Curriculum Reform and Teachers’ Emotions: An Analysis of Facebook Posts. Early Childhood Education Journal, 44: 573-580.
Pupala, B., Mbugua, T. & Kralova, Z. Kena – Pouchny Pribeh o Rozvoji Predskolskeho Vzdelavnia, Januar-Februar 2013/14, Rocnik LXVIII.
Kenya: An Illustrative Story about the Development of Preschool Education. Journal of Teacher Practice, January-February 2013-2014, Volume LXVIII.
Mbugua, T. & Godek, L. (2012). Integrating International Service-Learning in an academic Graduate Course: An Instructor and Student Perspective. Public Voices Journal, 12 (2), 19-37.
Pupala, B., Kascak, O., Petrova, Z. & Mbugua, T. (2011). Children’s Literature in (Czecho)
Slovakia: Ideological Inheritance from a Communist Past. Childhood Education. 87 (6), 439-442.
Mbugua, T. (Summer, 2011). Looking Out, Reaching In: Serendipitous Homework Assignment Promotes Global Perspectives in an Early Childhood Classroom. Focus on Elementary, 23 (4), 7-10.
Mbugua, T. (2010). Fostering Culturally Relevant/Responsive Pedagogy and Global Awareness through the Integration of International Service-Learning in Courses. Journal of Pedagogy 1(2):87-98.
Mbugua, T. (2009). Teacher Training for Early Childhood Development and Education (ECDE) in Kenya. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education 30 (3), 220-229.
Mbugua, T. (2005). Multiple Border Crossings: Technology-Mediated International and Cross-
Cultural Immersion Learning Experiences. The International Journal of Learning, Common Ground Publishing, Altoona, Australia.
Mbugua, T. (2004). Responding to the Special Needs of Children: Educating HIV/AIDS
Orphans in Kenya. Childhood Education – International Focus Issue. 80 (6) 304-309.
Mbugua, T., Wadas, J., Casey, M. A., Finnerty, J. (2004). Authentic Learning: Intercultural,
International, and Intergenerational Experiences in Elementary Classrooms. Childhood Education – Annual Theme. 80 (5), 237-244.
Mbugua, T. (Summer 2004). Early Childhood Care and Education in Kenya. Childhood Education. 80 (4), 191-194
Mbugua, T. (2003). Multiple Border Crossings: Technology-Mediated International and Cross cultural Immersion Learning Experiences. Proceedings of the 3rd International
Conference on Technology and Learning in higher Education, Heidelberg, Germany, 112-113.
Cozza, B. & Mbugua, T. (2000). Transforming the Cultures of the Family, School and University through Collaboration. PAC-TE, School and University Partnerships: Issues, Trends, Research, and Best Practices, Monograph II, 54-59.
Mbugua-Murithi, T. (1997). Strategies for Survival in Kenya: Women, Education and Self-Help Groups. The International Journal of Education Reform, October, 6(4), 420-427.