Introduction to Management for Business Leadership Program (BLDR 351)
Organizational Behavior (MGT 352)
Introduction to Marketing (MKT 351)
Business Marketing (MKT 484)
Consumer Behavior (MKT 362)
Consumer Behavior (graduate) (MKT 564)
International Marketing (MKT 475)
International Marketing (graduate) (MKT 563)
Marketing Management (graduate) (MKT 506)
Special Seminar in Latin American Business (MKT 490)
Graduate reader in Relationship Marketing (MKT 569)
Graduate reader in Sustainability (MKT 569)
Study Abroad (MGT 484, MKT 484, IB 484)
Marketing Management for the Beijing International MBA program, which resides in the Center for Economic Research at Perking University, People's Republic of China, May 25 - June 23, 2002.
Senior Honor's Projects (5)
Internships (13 since summer of 1995)
Prepared thirteen new courses since fall 1994, seven new courses between the spring of 1998 and the spring of 2000, four of the courses were unique courses developed by me.
Teach in the Business Leadership Program (fall 1995 to present)
MBA second capstone course on Responsibility, Sustainability, and Justice (MGT 501)
Developed an new undergraduate marketing elective, Sustainable Marketing, (MKT 484) which was offered spring 2007