Advanced Organic
Greening Across the Chemistry Curriculum English | Versión en Español
| Versão em Português (Brasil) 
A Project with major funding from The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation Special Grant Program in the Chemical Sciences. Additional funding was provided by the ACS/EPA Green Chemistry Educational Materials Development Project and the University of Scranton.
Green Module for Advanced Organic Chemistry
Nucleophilic Aromatic Substitution: Some new greenchemistry for an old reaction
Powerpoint Presentation
Please direct comments and suggestions to the author of the module or to:
Michael C. Cann
Chemistry Department
Univeristy of Scranton
800 Linden St. Scranton, PA 18510
570-941-7510 (FAX)
Contact Me
Michael C. CannChemistry Department
Univeristy of Scranton
800 Linden St. Scranton, PA 18510
570-430-1165 (Cell)