- General Information & Staff
- Tuition & Fees
- Financial Hold Information
- Methods of Payments Accepted
- Refund Information
- Withdrawal Refund Information
- Tuition Protection Plan
- Tuition Discount Programs
- Graduate Tuition Guarantee Program
- Royal Card Deposits
- Common Forms
- Important Links
- 1098T FAQ
- Financial Aid
Contact Us:
- St. Thomas Hall, Room 103, 800 Linden Street
- Scranton, PA 18510
- The University of Scranton
- Phone: 1-888-SCRANTON or (570) 941-4062
Tuition - Graduate Students
Graduate Tuition per Credit - On Campus Programs
* Note: Nurse Anesthesia students are not covered under the Tuition Guarantee program. Graduate Tuition per Credit - On-line Programs
*Note: Online programs are not covered under the Tuition Guarantee program. Resident Fees, per Semester
Meal Plan