Civic Engagement Resources for Faculty

Civic Engagement Resources for Faculty

The links below provide samples, workbooks, and scholarly articles with respect to how faculty members can connect their teaching, research, and service to civic engagement. 

Civic Engagement through Teaching:

o Service Learning Resources

§ Service-learning syllabi from Campus Compact

§ Service learning in the health sciences from Community-Campus Partnerships for Health: Click on "service learning" to be redirected to a set of service-learning resources in the health sciences

§ Learning Through Reflection: An online tutorial on how to more effectively engage students through meaningful, critical reflection.

§ Service-Learning Ideas and Curricular Examples from the National Service Learning Clearinghouse

§ Faculty Toolkit for Service-Learning in Higher Education: Practically everything you need to help you design or improve a service-learning course.

§ Funding and scholarly opportunities related to service learning. Scroll to the bottom of the page to see updated funding opportunities and calls for publications and presentations.

o Civic Education Resources

§ Innovations in Civic Participation

§ International Association for Research in Service Learning and Civic Engagement

§ Arsalyn: Promoting Youth Civic and Political Engagement

§ National Constitution Center: Resources for educators

§ Teaching Tolerance: Resources from the Southern Poverty Law Center for the promotion of mutual respect and understanding.

§ Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools: Although this initiative focuses on K-12 schools, many of the resources can be adapted for higher education.

§ Center for Civic Education

§ Civics Online: Re-envisioning the Democratic Community

§ CivNet: An online network of civic educators.

§ Constitutional Rights Foundation

§ Educating For Democracy: Document Supplement. Contains examples of courses and in- and out-of-class activities that support teaching students the skills of democratic citizenship.

§ Imagining America: This organization promotes and supports civic engagement in arts and humanities disciplines.

§ Project on Civic Reflection: "Civic reflection is the practice of reading and discussing short pieces of literature as a means of reflecting on the central questions of civic life. This simple practice can help [students] talk more comfortably about values, think more deeply about choices, and respond more imaginatively."

§ Educating for Citizenship: Essay by Caryn McTighe Musil, vice president for diversity, equity, and global initiatives, Association of American Colleges and Universities, in which she lays out a framework for understanding the civic development of undergraduate students.

Civic Engagement through Research

o Scholarship of Engagement

§ "Faculty Service Roles and the Scholarship of Engagement" A brief essay in ERIC Digest providing a good introduction to the scholarship of engagement.

§ Community-Engaged Scholarship A resource page from Community-Campus Partnerships for Health providing definitions and links to additional resources related to why and how to do engaged scholarship.

§ Annotated Bibliography on the Scholarship of Engagement

§ The Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE): A non-profit research center based at Tufts University studying youth civic engagement and civic education.

§ Annotated Resource List of Publishing Opportunities for Research on Service Learning and Civic Engagement

§ Community-Engaged Scholarship Toolkit: An on-line toolkit from Community-Campus Partnerships for Health providing tips for translating engaged research and scholarship into research that can "count" as part of promotion and tenure review.

§ Scholarship in Public: Knowledge Creation and Tenure Policy in the Engaged University. This document makes the case for why the scholarship of engagement should "count" in the tenure review process and recommends standards for ensuring that engaged scholarship is rigorous. The document also contains examples from the tenure guidelines of leading research universities.

§ National Review Board for the Scholarship of Engagement: Provides faculty to links to peers who can advise them on the quality of their engaged research and scholarship.

§ "Building a Two-Way Street: Challenges and Opportunities for Community Engagement at Research Universities." (can be accessed through the Project Muse database via the Weinberg Library website). This article from the Review of Higher Education examines cases of community engagement at research universities.

Civic Engagement through Service

§ "Uncovering the Values in Faculty Evaluation of Service as Scholarship." (can be accessed through the Project Muse database via the Weinberg Library website). This article from the Review of Higher Education, Fall 2002, summarizes research on faculty attitudes with respect to professional service as a form of scholarship.

§ "When Research is not Enough: Community, Care, and Love." (can be accessed through the Project Muse database via the Weinberg Library website). From the Spring 2000 issue of the Review of Higher Education. In this reprint of the presidential address to the annual meeting of the Association for the Study of Higher Education, then President Yvonna Lincoln makes a case for supplementing research with community outreach and professional service.

§ "Faculty Service Roles and the Scholarship of Engagement." (can be accessed through the Wiley Interscience Journals database via the Weinberg Library website) This ASHE-ERIC Higher Education Report, 23(5), from 2003 reviews the history and various meanings of service in American higher education and makes the case for how service can become a form of scholarship.


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