Psychology Department
Undergraduate Admissions
Contact Us:
- Psychology Department
- Scranton, PA 18510
- The University of Scranton
- Phone: 570-941-7630
Program Objectives for Psychology
Knowledge of Psychology
Outcome 1: On the ETS Major Field Test in Psychology administered every third year, graduating psychology majors will score no lower than 65th percentile on institutional comparisons.
Outcome 2: Graduating psychology majors will score at least at the 60th percentile on all four of the ETS Major Field Achievement Test subscores: Learning/Cognition/Memory; Sensory/Perception/Physiology; Clinical/Abnormal/Personality; and Developmental/Social.
Scientific Inquiry and Critical Thinking
Outcome 1: Graduating psychology majors will score no lower than the 65th percentile on institutional comparisons on the measurement/methodology assessment indicator of the ETS Major Field Test in Psychology.
Outcome 2: Psychology majors will reach writing competence (per scoring rubrics) in Psychology’s two required writing-intensive (EPW) courses: PSYC 212, Research Methods & Statistical Analysis II, and PSYC 491, Senior Seminar II.
Outcome 3: At least 12 psychology majors will present at external research conferences and/or coauthor publications per year.
Outcome 4: All psychology majors will successfully produce a poster as part of the two-semester Research Methods & Statistical Analysis sequence.
Professional and Ethical Development
Outcome 1: All psychology majors will complete PSYC 390: Career Development Seminar and will demonstrate a pre-post course increase in their career knowledge and skills.
Outcome 2: All psychology majors will successfully pass (80% correct) the multiple-module CITI test on ethics in behavioral research.
Outcome 3: All psychology interns will demonstrate pre-post course improvement on an ethics exam and will demonstrate satisfactory ethical conduct in the field (as assessed by their external supervisors’ evaluations).
Outcome 4: At least 90% of graduating psychology majors will complete one or more transcriptable experiential activities (30%+ each in Student Faculty Teaching Mentorship Program, Faculty Student Research Program, Field Experience in Clinical or Applied Settings, and in Service Learning/CBL Psychology course).
Outcome 5: At least 90% of the previous year’s psychology graduates responding to the Center for Career Development’s first destination survey will be either employed full-time or pursuing additional education.