Phi Sigma Tau Honor Society


Phi Sigma Tau (PST) is the International Honor Society in Philosophy. The University of Scranton's chapter, Penn-Tau, began in 1980. Philosophy majors and minors in the junior and senior classes are eligible for induction each spring.  For more on the society, see here.

Philosophy Cafe:

PST at the University of Scranton holds various events on campus throughout the academic year. The most popular activity is the "Philosophy Cafe" series, which is now co-sponsored by PST and the Philosophy Society. Professors from various departments are invited to present on a topic of their choice and subsequently host a discussion. For flyers from previous cafe talks, see here and here.

Philosophy Paper Workshop:

PST also hosts two annual philosophy paper workshops. The purpose of the workshops is to increase the quantity and quality of submissions to the paper contest and Discourse, and to assist students interested in submitting papers to other undergraduate journals. The first workshop is usually held in November, and it provides students general tips on how to write a high-quality philosophy paper and how to transform a term paper into a piece suitable for a broader audience. The second workshop is usually held near the beginning of February, and it is designed to give students feedback on the papers they are planning to submit to the paper contest and/or Discourse (or other undergraduate philosophy publications).


Discourse is the undergraduate journal of philosophy sponsored by the Penn-Tau chapter of Phi Sigma Tau at the University of Scranton. The goal of this journal is to provide an open forum for a variety of arguments and ideas. Submissions in both creative and traditional styles are welcome.

 See here to find the journal in the library catalogue.

Paper Contest:

Discourse publishes the top papers submitted to the annual Phi Sigma Tau paper contest. Papers are selected through a blind review process by three faculty members. It also publishes short pieces submitted directly to the journal. These selections are made anonymously by the editors. Click here for a list of past paper contest winners.


The current officers of PST are:
         President: Ivan Kent
         Vice President: Marisa Riley
         Secretary: Eric Cross
         Discourse Editor-in-Chief:
         Faculty Moderator: Dr. Matthew Meyer

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