Philosophy Major
A philosophy major learns intellectual skills that are useful in a wide range of careers such as thinking rigorously about fundamental questions, expressing ideas clearly and logically, understanding and evaluating conflicting points of view, and reasoning in a careful way. These skills are useful in almost any career. Besides teaching philosophy, which is not for everyone, there are a number of ways that one can put a philosophy major to work. For example, philosophy is an excellent preparation for a career in law, as many law schools look favorably on a philosophy major. Also, many philosophers go into fields like public administration, journalism, health care, and communication.
Undergraduate philosophy majors at The University of Scranton receive exceptional preparation for advanced study in philosophy in large measure because of the strength of the Philosophy Program in all periods of the history of philosophy. Scranton students have been admitted to M.A. and Ph.D. programs in philosophy at such schools as Fordham, Vanderbilt, Marquette, Kent State, Villanova, Emory, Yale and Duquesne Universities, Loyola University Chicago, State University of New York at Binghamton, Belgium’s Catholic University of Louvain and Boston College. Many University of Scranton philosophy undergrads have won graduate tuition scholarships, assistantships and fellowships and have gone on to successful careers in higher education.
Because of the liberal arts orientation and cognate structure of The University of Scranton general education curriculum, many students choose to earn a second major in philosophy as a complement to their primary area of study. Moreover, it is likely that within a student’s first major, e.g., in the sciences, psychology, political science or the health care professions, questions about values and methodology are raised which philosophy can help explore. In such cases, philosophy can deepen and broaden training in the first major.
All majors must take at least ten philosophy courses (30 credits). These include:
• PHIL 120: Introduction to Philosophy
• PHIL 210: Ethics
• PHIL 215 or 240: Logic
• Seven additional courses, at least two of which must be at the 300 or 400 level.
*PHIL 120 is a prerequisite for any other philosophy course.
*PHIL 120 and 210 are required of all university students.
For more information on program requirements, please see the Undergraduate Catalog by clicking here.