Social Media
Social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Snapchat, Flickr, YouTube are exciting channels through which members of The University of Scranton community can share knowledge and connect with key audiences, including prospective students, current students, alumni and the general public. The University maintains official pages on several social media networks and supports participation in online communities by departments, programs, clubs and organizations.
The Office of Public Relations manages the University’s official social media pages on the following platforms:Our social media hub page provides a central point to access pages from all university departments, clubs
Our staff also provides consulting services to individual departments and offices that want to participate in this rapidly changing medium and offers strategies, policies and best practices to provide a framework of guidelines for developing a successful social media program.
Social Media Best Practices
Social Media Community Guidelines
For questions, or to request a University social media page be added to the directory on the social media hub, contact