Health Humanities Concentration - Originated by Ana Ugarte & Billie Tadros

Relevant Research, Teaching, and Collaboration (C.P. Olsen III)

Ana Ugarte (College of the Holy Cross) & Billie R. Tadros (University of Scranton) received a grant from the National Endowment for the Humanities to start a Concentration in Health Humanities.  The prosopal passed with full approval from all Unversity curricular committees in Spring 2021.  Congratulations to Ana and Billie for work well done, and thank you for allowing me to participate. (Approved Proposal 2020)

Below are some resources relevant to my work in the field of health humanities.

Religion, Ecology, and Public Health: Br Fr Anatoli Wasswa & Bannakaroli Clinics, Kampala, Uganda

Scarcity of Medical Resources: A Primer for Bioethics at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine, Feb. 8, 2021

“Bioprosperity, Belonging, and Herbal Ownership: The Case of Brother Anatoli Wasswa,” Traditional Medicine and Healing, 62nd Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, November 21 - November 23, 2019.

“What is a Human Life Worth?,” The Big Sick 2019, The Sickest Patients, The First Hour, Zermatt, Switzerland, Feb. 6-8, 2019

Public Health in Southwest Uganda: Religion, Community, and Healing,” Historical and Contemporary Social Epidemiology: Towards Improving Health and Health Service Delivery in Africa, at the 61st Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Atlanta, GA, December 1, 2018.

“Philosophy of Critical Care,” The Big Sick 2018, The Sickest Patients, The First Hour, Zermatt, Switzerland, Feb. 7-8, 2018

Organ Transplantation on ECMO,” EDECMO Podcast, guest ethicist for resuscitation ethics, January 16, 2018

“Health & Healing within Religiously-Affiliated Institutions in Uganda: A Case Study of the Bwindi Community Hospital”, Intersections of Health, Psychotherapy and Spiritual Practice African Studies Association, 60th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, November 16, 2017

“Interdependent and Vulnerable: Sustainability and Augustinian Theological Anthropology,” in Kim Paffenroth, John Doody and Mark Smillie (eds.), Augustine and the Environment (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2016), September 2016.

When to Stop the Train?”, EDECMO podcast, guest ethicist for resuscitation ethics, Nov. 2014

“Spirituality and the Healthcare Professional”, Linacre Quarterly, 78:4 (Nov. 2011), 437-454.


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