Norcross In the News

(all following links open in new windows)

Couch bound: Why Americans want to talk it out. Deseret News - published March 16, 2024.

Norcross live Jan. 1on BBC about New Year’s Resolutions: (1:04 min. mark)

Norcross on The Most Days podcast: Spotify  Apple Podcasts  YouTube

Release of 2024-2025 edition of Norcross & Sayette’s Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology

Norcross and students on Gap Year(s) Before Graduate School: Pros, Cons, and Unknowns (

University of Scranton psychology students and Norcross on Obtaining Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School (

Amid a dire nationwide therapist shortage, could lay counselors help close the gap?



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