GENERAL Daryle Busch, president of theAmerican Chemical Society said "Green chemistry represents the pillarsthat hold up our sustainable future. It is imperative to teach thevalue of Green chemistry to tomorrow's chemists.”
Because Green chemistry is rapidlybecoming the wave of the future, we believe that it is very important thatstudents are exposed to Green chemistry in many courses across their chemistrycurriculum. These Green chemistry modules were developed by a teamof faculty members from the University of Scranton for the purpose of inserting Green chemistry into specific courses encompassing the chemistry curriculum. It is our hope that other instructors will use these modules as modelsfor infusing Green chemistry into their courses. We encourage instructorsto use, modify and copy them according to their needs for educational purposes, however any commercial use is prohibited unless permission of the authorsis granted. We ask that you let us know when and how you use them ( This will aid us in the assessment of the outcomes ofthis project.
In order to use the modules we suggestthat you first have your students read the Introduction to Green chemistry and then the specific module for your course. You may then want to discuss this material in class. To aid you inpresenting the material in class, each module is equipped with a set of PowerPoint slides. You may want to have students make hard copiesof the PowerPoint slides to aid in note taking.
Although each module was developedfor a particular course we encourage instructors to peruse all the modulesand find ways to infuse additional Green chemistry into all the coursesyou teach. Other efforts to bring Green chemistry into the classroomcan be found at greenchemistry.html