Contact Us
- Address mail to:
Office of the Registrar
800 Linden Street
Scranton, PA 18510-4684
570-941-7721 - FedEx, UPS and DHL packages use:
302 Jefferson Avenue
O'Hara Hall
Scranton, PA 18510-4684
Commencement Checklist and Reminders
Did You...
- Submit a completed Application for Degree
- Pick up cap, gown and announcements at Grad Finale or Bookstore
- Remember: Do not bring any personal items with you (purses, cameras, etc.). to Mass or Commencement because you cannot carry them in the procession.
Graduate Commencement Reminders
- Arrive at Loyola Science Center by 9:30 a.m.
- Bring your color-coded numbered placement card.
- Bring your gown with hood as well as your cap with tassel. All Doctorate candidates will carry their robe and hood.
- Meet your guests on the Commons or at the Reception after the ceremony.
Undergraduate Commencement Reminders
- Arrive at Moehgan Sun Arena by 10:45 a.m.
- You must bring your color-coded, numbered placement card.
- Enter through the East Gate.
- Have your cap, gown and hood.
- Carry-in bags & pocketbooks (yours and your guests) will be spot checked by Arena security.
- Food & drinks are not to be brought in.
- Approximate time of ceremony is 3 hours (12:00 to 3:00 pm).
- A snack and water will be available to you in the line-up area. Please do not bring them into the ceremony.
- Bathrooms in the line-up area are limited. The main bathroom is Room 179/180.
- Do not bring extra items that you would have to carry in your hands (cameras, purses, etc.)
- You will meet your guests outside the Arena after the commencement ceremony. Students in the honors programs and CAS will exit through the East Gate; PCPS and KSOM students will exit through the West Gate. To link up with your family quickly given the congestion, pick a spot to meet in the parking lots away from the Arena building.
Enjoy the day!