Emergency Preparedness

The University has developed procedures to assist all students, staff and faculty in various types of emergencies. Information on these procedures can be found on the University Police website.

Planning for an Emergency

All students, staff and faculty are encouraged to plan for emergency situations using the following tips:

  • Save emergency contact numbers in your phone
  • Contact University Police for all emergencies at (570) 941-7777 or dial x7777 from an internal phone
  • Review the Emergency Response Plan on this page (see the pdf listed in left navigation, under Emergency Response Procedures)
  • Be familiar with your nearest exit areas
  • Know your evacuation Rally Points
  • Know how and where to report emergencies
  • Participate in routine emergency drills
  • Follow up with University Police with any questions
  • Register for ENS through the my.scranton portal

Additional planning services are available for those who feel they may require assistance in the event of an emergency. Representatives from the Environmental Health & Safety Office are available via email healthandsafety@scranton.edu. You are encouraged to follow the instructions on the Student Emergency Evacuation form.


Steps you can take to ensure you are prepared in an emergency:

  • Meet with Environmental Health and Safety to develop a Personal Evacuation Plan
  • Talk to your RA, roommate, floormate, class instructors, other students willing to offer assistance in an evacuation. A rescue assistant is someone who is likely to be in a building during the same timeframe as you, but not necessarily in the same area
  • If you might be in a building after regular hours, or at times when others are not usually present, we recommend notifying University Police of your location
  • Any time you have a question or concern, talk to staff from OSSS, Residence Life, University Police or Environmental Health and Safety, who are willing to meet with you to ensure your comfort with these procedures
  • We strongly recommend that you have a cell phone ready at all times to allow for early notification and as a means for communicating with University Police. Program University Police’s number into your phone (570) 941-7777


University Policy requires all individuals to evacuate the building every time the fire alarm system is activated. Depending upon the building you may have the following evacuation options:

  • Horizontal evacuation to ground level exit or going from one building into a connected, adjacent building on the same level
  • Vertical evacuation (stairwell) to await assistance
  • Proceeding to an Area of Rescue Assistance (typically the nearest stairwell)
  • Staying in place to await evacuation (residence hall room, classroom)

Procedures for building evacuation:

  • Always evacuate at the sound of the alarm
  • If you discover a fire, pull the nearest fire alarm
  • Collect your immediate belongings and exit by the nearest designated route
  • Support those that may need assistance
  • Close but DO NOT LOCK doors as you leave
  • Leave the building and proceed to the designated Rally Point
  • Do not return to the building until directed by University Police

*If you are not able to exit a building, University Police, Scranton Fire, or other emergency personnel will assist you. Call 911 or (570) 941-7777 or have your RA, friend, class instructor or other person immediately communicate your location to emergency personnel.

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