Articles in Referred Journals and Books
"Incestuous Natures: Consensual and Forced Relations in Mexico, 1740-1854" (Chapter 8). In Sexuality and the Unnatural in Colonial Latin America, Zeb Tortorici, ed. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2016), 162-187.
“The Inquisition and Prohibited Sexual Artwork in Late Colonial Mexico.” Colonial Latin American Review 24:3 (2015), 421-436.
Temporary Transgressions, Unspeakable Acts: Male Sodomy in Late-Colonial Mexico, 1744 - 1843." Colonial Latin America Historical Review 17:4 (Fall 2008, © 2012): 329 - 359.
(with Thomas A. Guiler). "Braceros and Bureaucracy: Mexican Guest Workers on the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad During the 1940's." Pennsylvania History: A Journal of Mid-Atlantic Studies 76:4 (Fall 2009): 422 - 469.
(with Walter J. Petry). "Introduction: Five Hundred Years of Evangelizing Latin America." In Lee M. Penyak and Walter J. Petry, eds. Religion and Society in Latin America: Interpretive Essays from Conquest to Present. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2009), 1 - 14.
(with Walter J. Perty). "The Right to Appropriate, The Duty to Evangelize: Spain and the Conquest of the New World." In Lee M. Penyak and Wlater J. Petry, eds. Religion and Society in Latin America: Interpretive Essays from Conquest to Present. (Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2009). 15 - 50.
(with Pilar García-Fabregat) "Manuel D. Asúnsolo y su paso por la revolución mexicana." Revista de Historia de América 136 (2005): 77 - 101.
"Obstetrics and the Emergence of Women in Mexico's Medical Establishment." The Americas 60:1 (July 2003): 59 - 85.
(with Verónica Vallejo) "Expectations of Love in Troubled Mexican Marriages During the Late-Colonial and Early-National Periods." The Historian 65:3 (Spring 2003): 563 - 586.
"Midwives and Legal Medicine in Mexico, 1740 - 1846." Journal of Hispanic Higher Education. 1:3 (July 2002): 251 - 266.
(with Pamela Duray) "Oral History and Problematic Questions Promote Issues-Centered Education." The Social Studies. 90:2 (March/April 1999): 68 - 71.
"Safe Harbors and Compulsory Custody: Casas de Depósito in Mexico, 1750 - 1865." Hispanic American Historical Review. 79:1 (February 1999): 83 - 99.
(with Pamela Duray) "Past Meets Present: A Small Mexican town as Classroom." Social Education. 60:7 (November/December 1996): 402 - 406.
Más que Sólo la Destrucción de la Leyenda Negra: Un Vistazo a los Estudios Actuales Sobre la Inquisición Española." Cuadernos Para La Historia de la Evangelización en América Latina. 4 (1989): 77 - 86.
"Ríos Montt and Guatemala's Military: The Politics of Puppetry." Revista de Historia de América 108 (July - December 1989): 131 - 147.
Contact Us:
- Dr. Lee Penyak
- Department of History
- St. Thomas Hall, Rm. 308C
- Scranton, PA 18510
- The University of Scranton
- Phone: (570) 941-4369
- Fax: (570) 941-6369