
Comparative Criminal Justice Systems

S/CJ 226, 3 credits

An exploration of the meaning and character of justice, law and crime in different cultures and countries as well as evolving global standards and patterns of justice, international law, and transnational crime. Specific comparisons are made between Western and Eastern nations, capitalist and socialist systems, and countries with much crime and little crime.

Community Based Corrections

S/CJ 221, 3 credits

Examination of community treatment in the correctional process; contemporary usage of presentence investigation, selection, supervision, release of probationers and parolees.


S/CJ 213, 3 credits

Crime as a form of deviant behavior; nature and extent of crime; past and present theories; evaluation of prevention, control and treatment programs.

Juvenile Delinquency

S/CJ 214, 3 credits

Nature and extent of delinquency: competing explanatory models and theories; evaluation of prevention, control, and treatment programs.

The American Correctional System

S/CJ 220, 3 credits

Analysis and evaluation of contemporary correctional systems; theories of punishment; discussion of recent research concerning the correctional institution and the various field services; the history of corrections in Pennsylvania.

Sociology of Sport

SOC 214, 3 credits

The role of sport in civilized societies; sport as work and recreation; women and minorities in sport; sport in education; sport and the mass media.
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