Julie Palakovich Carr


Julie Palakovich Carr is CEO and Co-founder of VIctory Guide, a political technology startup.  Victory Guide makes it easy for candidates to run for elected office and to win by using best practices, backed up by empirical research.

Julie has been servicng the public for a long time.  Julie emerged as a leading progressive voice in two terms as a Rockville City, Maryland Council member.  Julie serves as Council liaison to Rockville's Traffic and Transportation Commission, Human Rights Commission, and Animal Matters Board,.  She is involved in  regional planning through her participation on the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments' Climate, Energy, and Environment Policy Committee.

Prior to her service on the Council, she served two terms on Rockville's Environment Commission.  During her tenure, she contributed to Rockville's successful application to be certified as a sustainable city, only the second municipality in Maryland to earn this distinction.  Julie chaired the advisory group to the Planning Commission that reviewed Rockville's policies on new development.  Se served as vice chair of the City Services and Budget Working Group and a member of the Watersheds Committee, including a term as committee chair.  Julie also was a volunteer coordinator of the dog foster and adoption program for the Montgomery County SPCA.

With a Master's degree in biology from the University of Minnesota and a Bachelor's degree in biology from Boston University, Julie spent the last decade working on science policy, including as public policy manager for the American Institute of Biological Sciences, a non-profit organization devoted to ensuring that federal policymakers received scientific information to inform their decision-making process.

In 2018, Julie won a seat in the Maryland House of Delegates.

Julie and her husband Eric have resided in East Rockville, Maryland for a decade.  They have a three year old son.




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