One-on-One Consultations

All faculty are welcome to meet with me to discuss any and all pedagogical issues. You don’t need to have specific issues to address, just an open mind and willingness to share ideas and inspiration about teaching and learning! Consultations are always confidential.

Through these consultation sessions, I can:

  • Provide ideas and research-based strategies to address your pedagogical challenges
  • Provide space for you to verbally work through a pedagogical struggle in a welcoming and non-judgmental environment, with guidance and support
  • Brainstorm potential pedagogical methods to try
  • Provide strategies for communicating with students when making changes to the learning environment
  • Review student evaluation data to determine potential adjustments to your learning environment
  • Provide advice for alignment of assessment with course objectives and pedagogical practices
  • Discuss any other pedagogical needs you may have 
Please email me at to set up an appointment.


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