Steering Committee
JoyAnna S. Hopper, Ph.D.

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Dr. JoyAnna Hopper is the director of the Center for Ethics and Excellence in Public Service and an associate professor in the Department of Political Science. She earned a B.A. from Eastern Illinois University and an M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Missouri in Political Science. Dr. Hopper specializes in public policy and administration, with a scholarly focus on environmental enforcement in the states.
Jean Wahl Harris, Ph.D.

Dr. Jean Harris is a professor in the Department of Political Science. She earned a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. from the State University of New York at Binghamton. Dr. Harris specializes in American politics, with a scholarly focus on women as political actors.
Julie Schumacher Cohen

Julie is Assistant Vice President for Community Engagement and Government Affairs, a role in which she strengthens relationships between the University and local communities and governments. She earned a bachelor’s degree from Gordon College and an MPA from Villanova University. She is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Political Science at Temple University. She specializes in public affairs with a focus on civic and community engagement.
Donna Witek, M.A., MLIS

Donna Witek is Professor and Information Literacy Coordinator in The University of Scranton's Weinberg Memorial Library. She is also a Research & Instruction Librarian in the Library's Research & Scholarly Services department. In this role she supports the research and learning needs of students, faculty, staff, and the wider Scranton community. She serves as librarian liaison to multiple departments and programs at the University and collaborates on behalf of the Library through service on University committees including the Assessment Advisory Committee, Ellacuría Initiative Advisory Board, and General Education Review Committee. She earned her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Drama and English Literature from New York University's Tisch School of the Arts, her Master of Library & Information Science from Long Island University’s Palmer School of Library & Information Science, and her Master of Arts in Theology from The University of Scranton.
Mike Allison, Ph.D.

Mike Allison is professor and chair of the Department of Political Science at The University of Scranton. He graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Politics and minors in Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Peace and Justice Studies from Fairfield University (1996). He earned his M.S. (2001) and Ph.D. (2006) in Political Science from Florida State University in Tallahassee. He regularly teaches courses on Scranton and the World and Political Science Research, as well as international politics. He previously served as a consultant on Freedom House’s Freedom in the World reports for Central America, and, more recently, he has served as an expert witness for approximately 75 cases for asylum seekers from Guatemala and El Salvador.
Michael J. Jenkins, Ph.D.

Michael J. Jenkins, Ph.D. is chair of the Sociology, Criminal Justice & Criminology Department at the University of Scranton and serves as the Executive Director of the University's Center for the Analysis and Prevention of Crime. Dr. Jenkins completed the Fulbright Scholar program with the London Metropolitan Police and has published in the area of policing organization and strategy in the US and internationally. He was born and raised in Scranton and graduated from the University in 2006.