
Your Value to the World

Scranton is a great value, and we’ll also provide you with the tools to be a person who is of value to society.


Service and Social Justice

You will be a man or woman for and with others.

Learn more about our service programs.

Ethics and Integrity

You will be liberally educated in the Ignatian tradition.

Our Core Curriculum exposes students to

  • Natural Sciences
  • Social/Behavioral Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Philosophy & Theology

developing well-rounded individuals with critical thinking skills that help them reason and reflect well beyond the classroom.

The Jesuit Way

As parents of two Scranton students, it is the Jesuit spirit and the Jesuit principles that permeate The University of Scranton that we have come to value most.”

– Mark & Maura Kilner, P’16 and P’20



We will nurture your ability to lead

with programs offered by the division of Student Formation & Campus Life, including

  • The Scranton Emerging Leaders program
  • National Jesuit Student Leadership Conference


Together with your peers, you'll commune with nature and explore and express your faith.

Learn more about our retreats.

A Global Perspective

You will be a student of the world.

Carrying on a tradition that spans more than three decades, Scranton students from nearly every undergraduate degree program have studied abroad. Learn more about our Study Abroad opportunities.

"The real measure of our Jesuit universities lies in who our students become."

Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J., 2000, then Superior General of the Jesuit order

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