Dr. Barry X. Kuhle

Dr. Barry Kuhle Professor Kuhle received his baccalaureate from Binghamton University in 1997 and his doctorate in evolutionary psychology from The University of Texas at Austin in 2002.  He teaches Evolutionary Psychology, Fundamentals of Psychology, Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences, and Research Methods in the Behavioral sciences. His research focuses on the evolved psychological mechanisms that underlie commitment and jealousy in romantic relationships. He is also interested in the evolution and development of both sexual fluidity and reproductive senescence in women.

His Psychology Today blog on Evolutionary Entertainment can be found here:http://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/evolutionary-entertainment

Representative research:  (undergraduate coauthors in bold)

Moran, J. B., Kuhle, B. X., Wade, T. J., & Seid, M. A. (2017). To poach or not to poach? Men are more willing to short-term poach mated women who are more attractive than their mates. EvoS Journal: The Journal of the Evolutionary Studies Consortium, 8, 58-69.

Kuhle, B. X. (2012). It’s funny because it’s true (because it evokes our  evolved psychology).Review of General Psychology, 16, 177-186.

Kuhle, B. X. (2012). Evolutionary psychology is compatible with equity feminism, but not with gender feminism. Evolutionary Psychology, 10, 39-43.

Kuhle, B. X. (2011). Did you have sex with him? Do you love her? An in vivo test of sex differences in jealous interrogations. Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 1044-1047.

Stinespring Harris, A. E., Bernstein, R. M., & Kuhle, B. X. (2009). Predicting age at onset of menopause: Testing the “adaptive onset” hypothesis. Maturitas, 64, 193-195.

Kuhle, B. X., Smedley, K. D., & Schmitt, D. P. (2009). Sex differences in the motivation and mitigation of jealousy-induced interrogations. Personality and Individual Differences, 46, 499-502.

Kuhle, B. X. (2007). An evolutionary perspective on the origin and ontogeny of menopause.Maturitas, 57, 329-337

Kuhle, B. X., & Fisher, C. P. (2004). Policing the human zoo [Review of the book Evolutionary psychology, public policy and personal decisions]. PsycCRITIQUES, 49.

Friedman, B. X., Bleske, A. L., & Scheyd, G. L. (2000). Incompatible with evolutionary theorizing. American Psychologist, 55, 1059-1060.

Bittner, G. D., & Friedman, B. X. (2000). Evolution of brain structures and adaptive behaviors in humans and other animals: Role of polymorphic genetic variations. The Neuroscientist, 6, 241-251.

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