Presentations and Publications
Tischler, L., Biberman, J. & Altman, Y. (2007) “A model for researching about spirituality in organizations.” Business Renaissance Quarterly, 2(2), August, 2007.
McKeage, R.L., Tischler, L. & Cann, C.W. "Using an Online Store to Augment the Learning of Leadership Fundamentals." The Journal of American Academy of Business, Cambridge. March, 2007.
Tischler, L. (2006). "Bringing Lean to the Office." Quality Progress, 39(7), 32-38.
Tischler, L., Biberman, G. & McKeage, R.L. (2002). “Linking emotional intelligence, spirituality, and workplace performance.” Journal of Management Psychology, 17(3), 203-218.
Tischler, L. (2000) “The Growing Interest in Spirituality in Business: A Long-Term Socio-Economic Explanation.” Journal of Organization Change Management,
Tischler, L., Biberman, G., & Alkhafaji, A. (1998). “A New Strategic Planning Model for Universities Undergoing Transformation.” International Journal of Commerce and Management, 8 (3/4), 85-101.
Tischler, L. (1996) “Comparing Person-Organization Personality Fit to Work Success.” Journal of Psychological Type, (38) 34-43.
Tischler, L. (1994) "The MBTI Factor Structure." Journal of Psychological Type, (31) 24-31.
Paine, F.T. & Tischler, L. (1983) "Evaluating Your Costs Strategically," Strategic Planning Management, Sept., 1983.
Tischler, L. (1988) "Advising Your Clients about Life Insurance." National Public Accountant, (33,12) December, 40-43.
Tischler, L. (2006) "The Growing Interest in Spirituality in Business: A Long-Term Socio-Economic Explanation." in At Work: Spirituality matters. Eds. Biberman and Whitty, Scranton, PA: University of Scranton Press.
Tischler, L. (2000) “The Growing Interest in Spirituality in Business: A Long-Term Socio-Economic Explanation,“ in Biberman, J. & M. Whitty, Eds., Work and Spirit: A Reader of New Spiritual Paradigms for Organizations, University of Scranton Press.
Paine, F.T. & Tischler, L. (1989) "Evaluating Your Costs Strategically," Reprinted in L. Fahey, Ed., The Strategic Planning Management Reader. (Englewood Cliffs, N.J: Prentice-Hall)
Coetzer, G., Tischler, L . and Biberman, G. (2004) "Modeling and Measuring Service Oriented Peak Performance." Business Research Yearbook, 11, 1038-1042.
McKeage, R., Biberman, J. & Tischler, L. (2003) " Distinguishing emotional and spiritual intelligence at the level of behavior and finding ways to enhance both." Business Research Yearbook, 10, 1005-1009.
Tischler, L. (2003) "Seeing God in everyday life: Believing is seeing." Business Research Yearbook, 10, 1025-1027.
Tischler, L. (2002) “Another Good Way to Teach: Drawing Parallels Between Ignatian Spiritual Practices, Business, and Leadership.” Business Research Yearbook, 9,
Tischler, L & Biberman, G. (2001) “Spirituality in the Classroom: Are We Having an Impact?” Business Research Yearbook, 8, 792-796.
Tischler, L. (2000) “Experimental Survey of Definitions of Spirituality.” Business Research Yearbook, 7, 877-880.
Tischler, L. (1999) “Explaining the Growing Interest in Spirituality.” Business Research Yearbook, 6, 733-737.
Tischler, L. (1997) “Transforming Individuals as the Basis of Successful TQM and Organizational Transformation.” Business Research Yearbook, 4, 855-859.
Tischler, L. (1996) “A Way to Enhance Critical Thinking Skills While Teaching Content.” Proceedings, Seventh Annual Business/Economics Teaching Conference, Elmhurst College, Chicago, IL, November, 1996.
Tischler, L. (1996) “Effective Improvement of Organizations: Perspective, Practical Approach, and Theoretical Basis.” Business Research Yearbook, 3, 468-472.
Tischler, L. (1996) “Presenting TQM’s Cultural Changes.” Business Research Yearbook, 3, 473-477.
Tischler, L. (1993) "Deming's Principles Reorganized: What Quality Transformation is Really About." Proceedings, International Academy of Business Disciplines, New Orleans, April, 1993, (1) 126-131.
Tischler, L., Chattopadhyay, S.P., & Biberman, G. (1993) "Training TQM: Issues and Learnings from Experiences in Cross-functional Team Training." Proceedings, International Academy of Business Disciplines, New Orleans, April, 1993, (1) 132-137.
Tischler, L. (1992) "Restricted Range of Personality in Organizations: Further Empirical Evidence." ( revised ) Proceedings, Association of Management, Las Vegas, August, 1992, (1) 52-57.
Tischler, L. (1992) "Understanding Organizational Changes: Tampering, Adjusting, Improving." Proceedings, Association of Management, Las Vegas, August, 1992, (2) 31-36.
Tischler, L. (1991) "Person-Job Personality Fit and Work Success." Proceedings, Eastern Academy of Management, May, 1991.
Tischler, L., Biberman, J. & Fornaciari, C. (2007) “ The Development & Test of a Research Model for Management, Spirituality, & Religion in Organizations.” Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, Aug 3-8, 2007.
Biberman, J. & Tischler, L. (2007) “ Beyond Bounded Rationality in Business Courses: Using Meditation in Teaching Sustainability Courses.” Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, Aug 3-8, 2007.
Biberman, J., Tischler, L. & Friedman, J. (2007) “Transcending International Differences Using Meditation.” Eastern Academy of Management International, Amsterdam, Netherlands, June 24-28, 2007.
McKeage, R., Biberman, J. & Tischler, Len "Challenges for Our Tomorrows: Keeping Business Leadership Curriculum Relevant with Daily Reflection Exercise." Mid-Atlantic Organizational Behavior Conference, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, March 24, 2007
Tischler, L., Biberman, J. & Altman, Y. (2006) "A model for researching about spirituality in organizations." Academy of Management meeting, Atlanta, Georgia, August 11-16, 2006.
Tischler, L & Biberman, J.. (2006) "All roads lead to home." Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Rochester, NY, June, 2006.
Coetzer, G., Biberman, J. & Tischler, L. (2006) "Transcending Belief - A Non-theistic Model for Operationalizing Spiritual Values, Practices and States and Their Relationship to Workplace Behavior." scMOI Conference, Washington, D.C., April 5-8, 2006.
Tischler, L. (2005) "Using Systems and Interority Ideas in Formation for Justice." Commitment to Justice in Jesuit Higher Education Conference, John Carroll University, University Heights, OH, October 13-16, 2005.
Tischler, L. (2005) "Principle-centered Learning: Bringing Learning To A Higher Level." Academy of Management, Honolulu, Hawaii, August, 2005
Tischler, L. and Grigorescu, E. (2005) "Making Room for More Class Time." Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Scranton, PA, June 15-18, 2005
Biberman, G., Tischler, L., and McKeage, R. (2005) "Creating and Nurturing Student Self-Discovery Using Meditation." Mid-Atlantic Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Philadelphia, March 19, 2005.
Tischler, L. Biberman, G. (2000) “Research on Spirituality in Organizations: How Can We Do It?” International Academy of Business Disciplines, Las Vegas, Nev., March-April, 2000.
Biberman, G. & Tischler, L. (1999) “How We Can Create a Discipline of ‘Spirituality in Organizations’.” International Academy of Business Disciplines, Chicago, March, 1999.
Tischler, L. (1998) "Spirituality in Organizations: Toward Developing a New Field." International Academy of Business Disciplines, San Francisco, CA, April, 1998.
Tischler, L. (1998) "Ways to Bring Spirituality into the Business Classroom." International Academy of Business Disciplines, San Francisco, CA, April, 1998.
Whitty, M. and Tischler, L. (1997) “Spiritual Practices to Improve Your Professional Effectiveness.” International Academy of Business Disciplines, Orlando, April, 1997.
Tischler, L. (1996) “How to Give Feedback on Written Work.” Seventh Annual Business/Economics Teaching Conference, Elmhurst College, Chicago, November, 1996.
Alkhafaji, A., Biberman, G., & Tischler, L. (1996) “Drivers of Change in Higher Education: Total Quality Management and Strategic Management.” International Academy of Business Disciplines, Rockville, Maryland, April, 1996.
Biberman, G. & Tischler, L. (1995) "An Introduction to Quality Management In Higher Education and Business." Invited special session at International Academy of Business Disciplines meeting, Redondo Beach, CA, April, 1995.
Tischler, L. (1994) "Integrating Research into Teaching: A New Paradigm." Poster session at American Association for Higher Education's Conference on Assessment and Quality in Higher Education, Washington, D.C., June, 1994.
Tischler, L. (1993) "The Factor Structure of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator." Academy of Management (national) meeting, Atlanta, August, 1993.
Tischler, L. (1993) "The Radical Nature of Total Quality Management." Opening plenary session talk of the International Academy of Business Disciplines meeting, New Orleans, April, 1993.
Tischler, L. (1993) "Improving Student Presentations." Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Philadelphia, March, 1993.
Tischler, L. (1992) "Restriction in Range of Personality in Organizations: Further Empirical Evidence." Academy of Management (national) meeting, Las Vegas, August, 1992.
Tischler, L. (1992) "Peer and Self-Evaluation for Grades." Mid-Atlantic Regional Organizational Behavior Teaching Conference, Philadelphia, March, 1992.
Tischler, L. (1991) "Factor Structure of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: A Review." Poster session, Sixth Annual Psychology Conference, University of Scranton, February, 1991.
Tischler, L. (1989) "Individually Controllable Factors That Can Lead to Enhanced Career Success and Satisfaction." Research Forum, Washington Consortium Schools of Business, April, 1989.
Tischler, L. (1989) "What Makes Public Accountants Successful in Their Careers?" Research Forum, Washington Consortium Schools of Business, April, 1989.
Tischler, L. (1988) "A Changing Partnership," a case of a CPA firm in transition with two theoretical behavioral analyses.