Academics Page

Andrew Milewski

Major:   I am a psychology major pursuing a double major in   philosophy 

Year:  I am currently a junior expecting to graduate in the spring of  2013.

Hometown:  I was born and raised in the greater Scranton Area. I live in Jefferson Township, which is twenty minutes north of Scranton. However, during the previous semesters and summer, I have lived in the residence halls at The University.

Activities:   Outside of the research projects, I also maintain a healthy involvement in academic and nonacademic extracurriculars. I am a second year resident assistant who maintains the Cura Personalis Sophomores learning community. I am also an editor for The Aquinas, The University’s weekly newspaper, and Esprit, The University’s periodical anthology of literature. I am an active member of the Psychology Club, and I manage its web-page. I also serve as a student member of Education for Justice, a group of faculty, staff, and students who promote and organize justice themed events on campus. On weekends, I work as a chief for The Fresh Food Company, The University’s dining service provider.

Future Plans:   I am currently looking at graduate programs in both psychology and other disciplines. My ultimate goal is to complete a long term service project and use that time to transition into a graduate degree in either an academic discipline such as psycholinguistics, psychometrics, or social psychology. Other options include a professional degree.

Research:  Beginning in my freshman year of 2009, I took a course on Environmental and Conservation Psychology with Dr. Nolan where my group collected data on ATV trespassing and littering on The Nature Conservancy in Moosic, PA, which we submitted to the agency for review. My intention with taking this class which demanded statistical and technical knowledge as a freshman was to immerse myself in the method needed to complete research. My sophomore year, I entered into the study focused on Racial Feedback and the IAT, being led by Dr. Nolan and Nicole Bianco, now graduated. We are currently collecting data and are about to begin analyses.

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