Most Frequently Asked Questions About Service Learning

What is service-learning?

Service-learning is a structured learning experience which combines community service with academic preparation and reflection. Students are expected to provide direct community service while learning about the context in which the service is provided. While service-learning is different from standard internship or field experiences, it is part of the experiential learning that assists students in integrating the knowledge, skills and behaviors appropriate to their profession. These departments provide both a learning forum and professional supervision of these field-based experiences in the appropriate academic courses.

Why is service-learning connected to classes?

Service connected to specific courses can enhance the learning of the course content. Service-learning has an impact on students' personal, social, cognitive, and professional outcomes. In addition, participation in a service-learning program can improve the interactions between faculty members and students, which in turn have a positive impact on learning.

How do I fill out a contract?

The service-learning contract is completed on the web. You can access the contract at http://my.scranton.edu/. Instructions for completing the contract are also on the web. Click here to access the instructions.

When are contracts due?

Contracts are due by the third or fourth week into the semester. Due dates are posted on the Service Learning website.

Can I complete my service-learning over Intersession or Summer?

Service-learning should be completed during the academic year in the local community. This maximizes the connection to courses and opportunities to engage in the reflective process. In rare cases, instructors may approve participation in service activities that are not concurrent with a particular course. Service trips coordinated by The Community Outreach Office are rewarding experiences but are generally not acceptable substitutes for a service-learning experience. Students should always check with their instructor for clarification.

What happens if I am enrolled in more than one service-learning course?

    * Students enrolled in more than one service course for their major (i.e., HS 333 and HS 241) are required to complete all service hours and related assignments for each course.

Can my service hours be used to fulfill the service-learning requirement for more than one course?

In most cases, the answer to this is no. See "What happens if I am enrolled in more than one service-learning course" above.

When are time sheets due?

Time sheet due dates are posted on the Service Learning website.

Where do I find a time sheet?

Time sheets can be found on the Service Learning website or by clicking here.

Where should I perform my service?

Your course instructor will assist you in determining an appropriate placement. Information about many of the area's agencies are listed on the University's Center for Service & Social Justice website.