Information Update - Fall 2010

CTLE Activites

Once again, the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence had a very busy spring semester and summer. We provided services to 120 students with disabilities and proctored 450 tests and exams and accommodated some 600 requests for peer tutoring. Three graduate assistants are working with students in the Academic Development Program (ADP) and with other students having problems with study skills and time management. Special workshops were also provided for students with disabilities. The Writing Center saw a 25% increase in the number of consultations given.
We made a concerted effort to advertise our services within The University of Scranton community and automated many processes to make it easier for students to use our services.
In addition to these activities, we presented a number of workshops on teaching effectiveness and on ANGEL, our course management system. Our visiting scholars during the spring semester were Dr. Mills Kelly (George Mason University) and Dr. Richard Duschl (Penn State). They spoke on a variety of issues pertaining to teaching effectiveness. This fall, Dr. Linda Nilson (Clemson University) will be back to work with first-year faculty members and to present a workshop for all faculty and staff in which participants will explore how we can modify the way we teach and approach learning in order to help our students to become self-directed learners.
We were able to achieve some important renovation in the center as a result of losing space on the sixth floor of the Harper McGinnis Wing of Saint Thomas Hall. The recording studio was moved into the TechCon lab (STT 589) after the TechCon lab had been divided in half to provide much-needed additional space for peer tutoring and the proctoring of exams. In addition, new storage space for confidential materials was created on this floor. There was some damage as a result of the demolition of the elevator and staircase at the end of the Harper McGinnis Wing. We have received new carpeting in the hallways and had our walls patched and painted.
Our collaboration with the library staff continues. Together, we presented several workshops on new technologies, including social networking as it pertains to teaching and learning. This series of workshops began in the fall 2009. We plan to continue presenting workshops on various topics pertaining to using technology in an educational setting during the coming session.
The Committee Reviewing the Writing Center concluded its work, and Dr. Marian Farrell, the group's chair, submitted a final report on behalf of the committee. Our external reviewer, Dr. Ann Green (Saint Joseph's University), will be reviewing the reports and visit our campus in September. A final report from the external reviewer is expected by the end of the year.
We have redone our website completely and significantly improved its navigation. A new, bright design in compliance with the CMS adopted by the University makes it very attractive and efficient for users to explore in these pages the services we offer. At this stage, the whole site has been converted to the CMS format.
Electronic signage has been installed at the entrances of the CTLE, so that we can inform visitors of our services and give them direction. The signs will also present facts about effective learning. In addition, we will have a spot for the Writing Center on the TV column in the DeNaples Center and plan to continue having an information table for the Writing Center periodically in the DeNaples Center at lunch time.
I would like to thank the staff of the center for all our accomplishments. Their dedicated service is remarkable and constantly exceeds the requirements of their job descriptions and my expectations.
André Oberlé, Ph.D, F.U.C., Director
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