Information Update - Winter 1996

Core Collection Development Project Update

The Core Collection Development Project is now in its third year. To date 12,827 books have been received; another 2,269 books are on order. The Acquisitions and Cataloging Departments lead by Donna Ramos, head cataloger, and Narda Tafuri, acquisitions librarian, have been active in enhancing technical processing to facilitate the project, developing relationships with out-of-print and foreign publications vendor, binding paperback books before shipment to the library, and electronically transmitting orders.
Faculty select titles for the project from current publications and by comparing the Weinberg Library holdings to standard bibliographies. The OCLC/Amigos Collection Analysis Compact Disc enables the library to generate statistical comparisons and various bibliographies such as titles held by a peer group or titles owned by other members of the peer group but not the University of Scranton. This CD comes with 14 standard peer groups based on the size of the library's collection and the graduate programs offered by the institution. In addition, the library has developed three peer groups for comparison. One group consists of all the Jesuit colleges and universities. The second group, the President's List, is those institutions to whom the University compares itself for admissions data. The third group changes to assess new programs or programs currently being accredited. This year's program group consists of institutions that have received American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accreditation.
Bonnie Strohl
Pride, Passion, Promise: Experience Our Jesuit Tradition