Services & Policies - Spring 1994

Is Computer Intimidation Your Problem?

Do you need to find a book or journal article in the Library but are intimidated by computers? Help is available in a variety of ways. Whenever the Library is open, reference librarians are available to assist you in using the Online Public Catalog or the CD-ROM Lab. Computers also have "Help" screens that can describe in detail a particular function. For the Online Public Catalog, the help screen is accessed by typing two questions marks (i.e. ??) whenever the prompt symbol (">>") appears. For the CD-ROM indexes, access to the help screen is dependent on the particular index you are using and is often indicated on the screen. In addition, guides to using the Online Public Catalog as well as various CD-ROM indexes have been prepared by the reference librarians and are available at the Reference Desk. These include a new guide to offsite accessing of the Online. Public Catalog. This guide provides information on how to access the OPC using modem access, the campus-wide network, or the Internet.
Computers don't have to be intimidating. Help is available through librarians, computer help screens and guides. Use one or all three and use them as often as needed to lessen feelings of computer intimidation.
Joe Fennewald
Pride, Passion, Promise: Experience Our Jesuit Tradition