Services & Policies - Fall 1997

WWW Survey To Evaluate Library Services

The Library is conducting a survey on students' satisfaction of staff, programs, hours, and study space. The survey is available from the Library's home page at: We chose the World Wide Web as the means to distribute the survey for a number of reasons. First, using the Web makes completion of the survey quick and easy. It takes approximately five minutes to complete over 40 questions. Second, a Web-based survey allows us to make changes and updates easily. Questions may be added or deleted to emphasize specific programs or services. Third, results of the survey can he quickly tabulated. Data will be transferred into a statistical software program for interpretation. Fourth, it is inexpensive. We avoid the costs of paper, postage, and processing which are often incurred with more traditional surveys. Finally, students can complete the survey from any computer terminal with access to the Web. It is completed at their convenience, and the convenience of an electronic response avoids the problems with surveys being mailed or dropped off. As an incentive for students to complete the survey, a drawing will he conducted each semester. This semester the drawing will take place on December 4, 1997, and the winner will receive two complimentary movie tickets to United Artists Movies at Steamtown.
We are excited about. using the Web for conducting this survey. The survey should provide us an additional means co assess our services. Using the World Wide Web allows us the opportunity to explore its usefulness as an evaluation tool.
Joe Fennewald
Pride, Passion, Promise: Experience Our Jesuit Tradition