
Services & Polcies - Fall 2004

Distance and Virtual Library Service
Since last September, the Weinberg Memorial Library Reference Librarians have been available online for chat reference between the hours of 9 -11 PM, Monday through Thursday, and from 3 - 5 PM, Sundays. > Full story
The USA Patriot Act - A Follow-Up
As many of us may recall, The USA Patriot Act was passed by Congress in October 2001 following the events of 9/11. Section 215 of the Act allowed federal authorities gathering foreign intelligence information or investigating international terrorism to obtain business records, including library use and library computer use records. Furthermore, libraries would not be allowed to disclose to the patron that his or her records had been investigated. The American Library Association, along with other civil liberties watchdog organizations such as the ACLU, have, of course, strenuously protested these provisions of the law. > Full story
New Standards Re-Define Information Literacy
Pride, Passion, Promise: Experience Our Jesuit Tradition