Welcome to the Exhibit Hall!

Important Reminders and Additional Information

Scranton students

We know there is a lot of new information to learn and tasks to complete over the remainder of the summer. Orientation is a great first step in preparing you for the transition, but we know that you may need some reminders and some additional resources to help you as you prepare for the semester.

Please review the tabs below for some important reminders for tasks new students must complete over the summer. We've also provided some additional content with information we feel will help you easily acclimate to our community.

As always, we are here to help! If you have any additional questions or need assistance in contacting a campus resource, we are happy to assist. Please email is at orientation@scranton.edu or call us at (570) 941-6233. 

AlcoholEdu - Student Information

Dear Member of the Class of 2024,

Welcome to The University of Scranton! We are thrilled to welcome you as the newest members of our vibrant and caring community. As a Catholic and Jesuit University, we promise to nurture the gifts you bring to our campus and challenge you to become a person who, in the words of Jesuit Founder St. Ignatius Loyola, will “set the world on fire." I am sure that you are looking forward to beginning classes in August and we are anxiously awaiting your arrival. Until then, we ask that you complete some important steps that will help us serve you better this upcoming year. In order to better understand you as a class and provide proper education on alcohol, the University requires each member of the first-year class to complete AlcoholEdu for College. This tool is used on over 500 campuses nationwide and the course uses science-based research to educate students about alcohol and its effects. AlcoholEdu will provide you with the information and wisdom to make well-informed decisions and help you better cope with the drinking behavior that sometimes occurs on campuses.
You may begin taking AlcoholEdu for College on July 2, 2020 when you receive an email notification that you have been assigned a course. The course has two sections, both of which must be completed.

  • Part 1 takes roughly 2 hours to complete and may be completed in multiple sittings. You will be asked to log in to the course using your University of Scranton Royal ID number. Part 1 of the course ends with the Final Exam and a Survey. You must earn a grade of 75% or higher to pass and receive credit for the course.
  • The deadline for finishing Part 1 of the course is August 8, 2020.
  • You will receive an e-mail inviting you to complete Part 2 at the beginning of October.

Please note that the course includes three surveys that measure students' alcohol-related attitudes and behaviors. All survey responses are strictly confidential; the University will only receive information about the Class of 2024 as a whole and will never see individual students' answers. You can feel confident that providing truthful answers – no matter what they are – will not put you at any risk for repercussions. Although we will not know your answers, we will check your progress to see if you have completed the course.

To take AlcoholEdu for College, you will need a computer with Internet access and audio capabilities.

Additional Technical Information:

  • Work at your own pace from any computer or tablet.
  • Courses will save your progress if you need to stop and return later.
  • Courses are best supported by the latest versions of Chrome, Firefox, and Safari (preferred), or Microsoft Internet Explorer 11+.
  • If you have any accessibility issues, please select “accessibility mode” once you are in the course.

Should you experience any difficulties or require tech support, contact EVERFI’s tech support using “Help” within the course or by visiting: https://support.everfi.com/.

Again, congratulations on your acceptance to The University of Scranton. I look forward to seeing you on campus this fall.

Robert W. Davis, Jr., Ed.D. '03  
Vice President for Student Life

AlcoholEdu - Parent/Family Information

Dear Parents and Guardians of the Class of 2024,

Thank you for trusting The University of Scranton with your student. I believe that you will come to love the University through the ways that we care for them during their next four years. The community at this Catholic and Jesuit University will have a significant impact on your student's growth over this time and we look forward to being companions with you in this journey.

In the spirit of care, we have implemented a comprehensive alcohol education program to help our students make the safest, healthiest decisions possible. One component of this program is AlcoholEdu for College, a web-based alcohol prevention course used by more than 500 colleges and universities across the country. The course uses the latest prevention techniques and science-based research to educate students about the impact of alcohol on the mind and body. Whether or not your student chooses to consume alcohol, AlcoholEdu for College will help him or her make well-informed decisions and to cope with the drinking behavior that sometimes occurs on campuses.

Each of our incoming first-year students is required to take AlcoholEdu for College and pass the course's Final Exam before arriving on campus. Because it is available online, students need only a computer with Internet access and audio capabilities to take the course.

We are committed to a collaborative approach to alcohol abuse prevention and believe that parents are important partners to help prevent alcohol misuse and abuse. We encourage you to learn more about the AlcoholEdu for College course by visiting http://www.everfi.com/alcoholeduforparents. The site offers guides for engaging in conversations about alcohol with your student knowing these conversations inform their decision making in college.

Finally, your student can begin taking AlcoholEdu for College on July 2, 2020 and is required to complete Part 1 of the course by August 8, 2020. This section takes roughly 2 hours to complete and can be completed in multiple sittings. Please encourage your student to meet the August 8 deadline. We are confident that AlcoholEdu for College will help ensure your student's success at The University of Scranton and in the future. We appreciate your interest in and support of this important program.

I look forward to connecting with you over the course of the summer at New Student Orientation and then welcoming you and your student in the fall.

Robert W. Davis, Jr., Ed.D. '03
Vice President for Student Life

Royal Reads

Dear Incoming Class of 2024,

As Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, I am writing to welcome you to The University of Scranton and to introduce you to the 2020-2021 Royal Reads Program.

The Royal Reads Program creates a shared experience for our first-year class through the reading of a carefully selected book. We select a Royal Reads book each year to introduce our newest students to the Ignatian values at the heart of our University and to invite you to consider how these values can shape your college experience and your life. Throughout your first year at The University of Scranton, you will encounter themes from the selected book in classes and in extracurricular opportunities, as well as in a wide range of formal and informal discussions.

The book we have selected for the 2020-2021 academic year Royal Reads Program is Barking to the Choir: The Power of Radical Kinship by Gregory Boyle. Father Boyle was ordained a Jesuit Priest in 1984. He received his Master of Divinity from the Weston School of Theology and a Theology master’s degree from the Jesuit School of Theology. In 1988, Father Boyle founded Homeboy Industries, a gang rehabilitation program, now located in Los Angeles, CA. Barking to the Choir offers a snapshot into the challenges and joys of life on the margins through the people Father Boyle meets. The story reveals how bright life can be when filled with unconditional love and kindness.

Usually, the Royal Reads author comes to campus for the annual lecture on Ignatian Values in Action. This year, things will be a bit different. Father Gregory Boyle will participate in an interview that will be recorded and made available to the University community in September. The exact date is yet to be determined. Watch your Scranton email for more information and for the opportunity to submit questions we can ask Father Boyle during the interview.

To prepare for these events, during the next few weeks before school begins, we expect you to read Barking to the Choir: The Power of Radical Kinship. The book will be available for purchase in the campus bookstore online or through the bookseller of your choice. Be prepared to discuss the story, your ideas and engage in this powerful shared learning experience with your class of 2024.

I am thrilled that you will be joining our University community, and I look forward to meeting you.

Michelle Maldonado
Dean, College of Arts and Sciences

Academic Integrity Tutorial

Dear Student,
Welcome to Academic Year 2020. As part of our comprehensive academic integrity program, the University of Scranton requires each student to complete the Academic Integrity Tutorial.

Why is Academic Integrity Important?

Integrity in intellectual activity is an indispensable prerequisite for membership in any academic community because that community depends upon its members for its accomplishments. Academic dishonesty trivializes students' quest for knowledge and hinders professors from accurately assessing the individual talents and accomplishments of their students.

You want to:

  • Contribute your own ideas to the scholarly conversation
  • Show how your ideas relate to others' ideas
  • Have others trust your research
  • Be able to trust others' research
  • Have an academic record and standing without blemish
  • Build upon the ideas of others
  • Work in groups and share materials ethically

Working through the tutorial, you will:

  • Be able to avoid plagiarism in paper writing and test taking.
  • Learn why academic integrity is important.
  • Learn how to work in groups and share materials ethically.
  • Learn what actions constitute violations of the Academic Code of Honesty at The University of Scranton.

Used on a number of campuses nationwide, tutorials of this type educate about the importance of academic integrity. The tutorial will empower you to make well informed decisions about scholarly research and academic integrity. The tutorial must be completed to fulfill the requirement.

The tutorial takes roughly 30 minutes to complete. The deadline for finishing the tutorial is Friday, September 11, 2020. Please note that this tutorial is not graded.

If you will be completing the tutorial on a computer, you will need Flash Player installed and enabled on your web browser. Please click here to check if Flash is currently installed and enabled on your computer. Also, please be sure that cookies are enabled in the security settings for you browser. If necessary, the tutorial is also accessible through most mobile devices. You do not need to install flash on your mobile device, but you will need to complete the tutorial at a dedicated pace, because progress cannot be saved.

To begin the Academic Integrity Tutorial, go to: http://my.scranton.edu.

  • Log in using your username and password, which you received earlier.
  • Click the Student tab.
  • Click Academic Integrity Tutorial.
  • Please note that My.Scranton, which runs on the Luminis platform, has a 30-minute timeout. When you see the timeout notice, please click OK to remain connected. Otherwise, you get disconnected and have to start from the beginning.

We appreciate your feedback. After completing the tutorial, you will be asked to complete a short, anonymous survey regarding your understanding of academic integrity and the tutorial structure.

If you encounter technical problems accessing the Academic Integrity Tutorial, please contact the Technology Support Center at (570) 941-HELP. Any other concerns or questions can be directed to Brian Snapp at the Center for Teaching & Learning Excellence - brian.snapp@scranton.edu

Congratulations on your acceptance to The University of Scranton. We look forward to seeing you on campus this fall.

Jeff Gingerich, Ph.D.
Provost/Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs

Jean Lenville
Interim Dean of the Library & Information Fluency