Scranton's Story
Our Nation's Story

Scranton's Story

Our Nation's Story

Through the course of this project, we have explored the aspirational journey to fulfill our national ideals through the lens of Scranton, Pennsylvania, an iconic American city that has experienced many of the key elements of our nation’s experience: industrial era growth and decline, waves of immigration past and present, and Black and Indigenous experiences.

Programs in a variety of formats have covered eight distinct themes and engage participants in discussions and story-sharing about founding debates, local and national identity, and our role as citizens in a democracy. 

The project culminated in fall 2023 with the release of 25 Scranton Stories oral histories of 33 local residents that can be viewed at or via YouTube. The project is ongoing as the stories continue to be shared to generate public conversation and dialogue and the themes explored provide launching points for further programming and initiatives to expand Scranton's Story and fostering greater belonging in our community and strengthen includsive democratic practices in our nation. 

Fall 2024 Updates:

Cover image


New Scranton Stories Booklet featuring excerpts of the 25 video oral histories of 33 interviewees. 

Explore the oral history interviews and portrait photographs, including excerpts from each interview, and view new content about the project with reflections from key project leadership and partners as well as ways the stories can be used into the future. Want a copy of the booklet? Email



Fall 2024 Past Events:

Hopes for Nation Poster

"What are your Hopes for the Nation? A Scranton Conversation 

Scranton Public LIbrary 
Albright Memorial Library
500 Vine Street, Scranton 18509

As part of the Scranton Stories oral history initiative, 33 interviewees were asked about their hopes for the nation. At this event, a week prior to Constitution Day, view some of their feedback and join the conversation in facilitated small group dialogue with your Scranton neighbors. 

Light Refreshments will be served. 

RSVP here or contact



Hispanic - Latinx Voices Poster

Hispanic/Latinx Voices:
Screening and Panel Discussion 

Mon, Oct. 21, 6:30 p.m.
Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine
525 Pine Street, Main Auditorium

The event will feature a selection of “Scranton Stories” video interviews that include Hispanic/Latinx Scrantonians giving voice to a range of stories and experiences across different themes and topics as well as each participant’s hopes for the city and the nation. The evening will involve a screening of 3 video interviews (30 mins. total in length) with a panel discussion to follow that includes interviewees. 

The Scranton Stories oral histories are a collection of 25 video interviews of local residents. The Hispanic/Latinx stories include interviews of Carmen Castillo; Ana Monge & Jenny Gonzalez Monge; and Ana Becerril & Maria Luna. Byron Maldonado will share his experience as project photographer. Alejandra Marroquin will serve as moderator. 

Light refreshments will be provided. RSVP Here.

Project Themes

Scranton Stories

These 25 "Scranton Stories" are oral history interviews of 33 local residents. Each gives voice to a broad array of Scranton experiences that connect our city to our nation’s ongoing story, in anticipation of the 250th anniversary of the United States.

Featured Event

Scranton Stories Exhibition

Feb. 5 - April 21

Heritage Room, Weinberg Memorial Library

Oral History Interviews and Photographs
