Preparing for Graduate School: GPAs, GREs,


Admission Criteria, & Acceptance Rates


John C. Norcross, Ph.D., ABPP






Table 1. Course and Credit Admission Prerequisites for Master's-Only (N=861) and Doctoral (N=993) Programs in Psychology



                                                            Master's-only                     Doctoral                        All

Type of                                                programs                           programs                  programs

Prerequisite                                                 %                                     %                              %



Minimum # of psych credits only              4%                                  2%                               3%


Specific psychology courses only            53%                                50%                             52%


Psychology major only                              3%                                  4%                               4%


Specific psychology courses and

   minimum # of credits                            32%                                32%                             32%


Psychology major and specific

   psychology courses                                 6%                                  9%                               7%


Psychology major and specific

   courses and minimum credits                 2%                                  3%                               2%


Totals                                                     100%                              100%                           100%



Source:  Norcross, J. C., Hanych. J. M., & Terranova, R. D. (1996). Graduate study in psychology: 1992-1993.  American Psychologist, 51, 631-643.


Table 2Course Prerequisites for Graduate Programs (N=1,554) Requiring Specific Psychology Courses



                                                            Required                     Preferred                       Required or

Course                                                                                                                          preferred    



Statistics                                              56.5%                          28.7%                           85.2%

Research Methods/Exper. Design       40.0%                          26.0%                           66.0%

Childhood/Developmental                  11.2%                          24.2%                           35.9%

Abnormal/Psychopathology                15.6%                          16.9%                           32.5%

Learning                                                8.7%                          19.6%                           28.3%

Personality                                           12.0%                          15.7%                           27.7%

Physiological/Biopsychology                5.5%                          18.9%                           24.4%

Social                                                     4.7%                          18.7%                           23.4%

Testing/Measurement                            9.5%                            8.0%                           17.5%

History & Systems                                4.9%                          12.3%                           17.2%

Cognitive                                               3.6%                            9.0%                           12.6%

Lab course                                             7.8%                            3.8%                           11.6%

Sensation & Perception                         3.1%                            7.8%                           10.9%





Table 3.  Importance of Criteria in Admissions Decisions



                                                                          Master's                     Doctoral


Criteria                                                           M             SD              M            SD                         


Letters of recommendation                          2.74         .49                2.82         .42

Personal statement/goals                              2.63         .55                2.81         .41

GPA                                                             2.75         .43                2.74         .45

Interview                                                      2.30         .76                2.62         .60

Research experience                                     2.04         .74                2.54         .65

GRE scores                                                  2.36         .66                2.50         .55

Clinically related public service                   1.94         .70                1.91         .69

Work experience                                          1.91         .65                1.87         .68

Extracurricular activity                                 1.46         .54                1.41         .55


Means are calculated on a coding scheme where 1 = low importance, 2 = medium importance, and 3 = high importance.


Source:  Norcross, J. C., Kohout, J. L., & Wicherski, M. (2005). Graduate study in psychology: 1971 to 2004. American Psychologist, 60, 959-975.

Table 4.  Final Selection Criteria for PhD Admission Decisions


                                                                                                                           Rank             Mean

Criteria                                                                                                               order             score



Research experience, resulting in a publication credit in a

   scholarly journal                                                                                                 1                4.45

Degree to which the applicant's skills and interests match those

   of the program                                                                                                   2                4.41

Research experience, resulting in a paper presentation at a

   professional meeting                                                                                          3                4.24

Degree of interest expressed by faculty in working with applicant

   as graduate student                                                                                            4                4.16

Clarity and focus of applicant's statement of purpose                                          5                4.12

Research assistant experience                                                                               6                3.85

Writing skills as revealed in statement of purpose                                                7                3.75

Status and reputation of applicant's referees                                                        8                3.75

A strong, supporting mentor actively involved in advocating an

   applicant's candidacy                                                                                         9                3.75

Underrepresented ethnic minority group membership                                          10              3.66

Degree of knowledge and expression of interest in your program                       11              3.61

Number of statistics/research method courses taken as an undergraduate           12              3.48

Number of "harder science" courses taken as an undergraduate                          13              3.41

Prestige and status of psychology faculty in applicant's undergraduate

   department                                                                                                         14              3.35

Prestige of applicant's undergraduate institution                                                  15              3.30

Potential for success as judged by interview or other contact                              16              3.19

Honors or merit scholarships awarded by undergraduate school                         17              3.03

Area of undergraduate major                                                                                18              2.98

Social/personality style as revealed through interview                                         19              2.80

Relevant field/volunteer experience in placement                                                20              2.75

Relevant paid work experience in area related to your program                          21              2.62

Neatness and "professional look" of the application materials                             22              2.48

Teaching assistant experience                                                                               23              2.41

Active participation in department activities                                                        24              2.23

Student affiliate status in a relevant professional organization                            25              1.81

Degree to which applicant would help to balance the sex ratio

   within the program                                                                                             26              1.81

Psi Chi membership                                                                                              27              1.75

Multilingual fluency                                                                                              28              1.64

Contribution to geographical diversity of program's students                              29              1.61

Legacy status (i.e., close relation of applicant to graduate of

   the program)                                                                                                       30              1.39


Source: Keith-Spiegel (1991). Adapted with permission of the author.

Table 5.  Minimum Required and Actual Scores of First-Year Graduate Students in




                                                              Minimum Required          Actual Scores of Incoming

                                                                for Consideration                        Students

Measure                                                      Mean                                            Mean



                                                               Doctoral departments

Graduate Record Examination

Verbal                                                      529                                             571  

Quantitative                                             538                                             626  

Verbal + Quantitative                             1066                                           1183


GRE Psychology Subject Test                     552                                             633  


Grade point average

Overall                                                    3.11                                            3.54  

Psychology                                              3.17                                            3.66  

Last two years                                         3.16                                            3.67  



                                                               Master's departments

Graduate Record Examination

Verbal                                                      449                                             504  

Quantitative                                             453                                             549  

Verbal + Quantitative                              952                                            1055


GRE Psychology Subject Test                     495                                             577  


Grade point average

Overall                                                    2.92                                            3.37  

Psychology                                              3.05                                            3.48  

Last two years                                         3.03                                            3.44  



Source:  Norcross, J. C., Kohout, J. L., & Wicherski, M. (2005). Graduate study in psychology: 1971 to 2004. American Psychologist, 60, 959-975.