How to use the Sheep Brain Dissection Guide
The Sheep Brain Dissection Guide Uses Frames And It May Not Be Compatible With All Web Browsers!!

You have several options when proceeding through this guide. As you progress, you will see the image of the brain being dissected in this window. The window to the right will hold the dissection instrutions or the details on a particular structure you are interested in. The window in the lower right holds the options buttons. There are four.

This button moves you to the previously visited image.
This button moves you to the next consecutive image.

This button takes you to a page of options. You may choose to:


This button allows you to toggle between labeled and unlabeled images.

On many of the images you will see brackets such as the ones below. A bracket of this type is used to designate an area or region of the brain.

Brackets, or lines, which end in small circles designate hollow structures.