
Thank you so much for being part of this extraordinary day!

5.06.16 Donors

Clare Acosta Matos 2004
Erin Afshar 2015
Benjamin Alexander G'15
Mary Teresa Alft Parent
Michael Alft Parent
Elizabeth Ali 2005
Yazeed Alkanhal 2015
Michael Allison Faculty/Staff
Brian Aloia 1992
Ashley Alt 2009
Elizabeth Altemus 1983
Dan Amspacher 1980
Paul Andersen Friend
Robin Rose  Andersen 1990
Jennifer Anderson Friend
Sean Anderson Student
Christopher Andres 1989
Lynn Andres 1989
William Antognoli 1957
Julie Arbour Williams 1990
Elizabeth Asmar Student
Robert Assenheimer 1996
George Aulisio Faculty/Staff
Missy Bitonti  Austin 1998
Steve Austin 1998
Megan  Azzalina 2015
Karen Bachman Parent
Vincente Baffoni 2013
Deborah Bailey Meroz 2005
Mandy Bair 2007
Joseph Bannon 1983
Tracy Bannon 1984
Loretta Baran Parent
Kristiana Barbarevech 2014
Jennifer Barrett 1990
Jennifer Barrett 2010
Patrick Barrett 1982
Paula Barrett 1981
Michael Bartoletti Faculty/Staff
Dr. Gregory Basting 1980
Logan Batiz Student
Charles Battenberg 1980
Michael Baumhardt G'13, Faculty/Staff
Christy Bause 1998
Judee Bavaria G'72
Rae Beck Parent
Diane Begany 1984
Michael Belus 1976
Kristen Bene 1999
Michael Bergen Parent
Patricia Berger Parent
Timothy Berger Parent
Donald Bergmann 0
Leonard Berkoski, Jr. 1962
Gary Bernabe 1978
Matthew Bernard 1999
Rebekah Bernard 2001
Dominique Bernardo 1993
Mary Bertrand 1992
Michael Bertrand 1992
Kayla Betacchini 2009
Juana Betancourt Past Parent
Michael Bevilacqua 1978
Cynthia Bianco Parent
Mark Biedlingmaier 1980
Paul Biedlingmaier 1976
Alexandra Biga 2009
David Bigley Parent
Alexandra Bilancia 2012
Dr. Bart Billings 1966
Graceann Bisig 1990
Deborah Blaine
David Blake 1969
Amanda Blorstad 2008
Jeanne Blorstad Past Parent
Jeffrey Boam 1998
Cheryl Boga Faculty/Staff
John Boken Parent
Susan Boken Parent
Christopher Boland Friend
Adam Bolden Friend
Robert Bolger 1983
Kathryn Boock Student, Past Parent, Faculty/Staff
Alex Borselli 2011
Michelle Boughton Faculty/Staff
Kate Boyd 2002
Christine Boyle 2001
Julie Brackeva-Phillips Faculty/Staff
JJ Brady 1999
Richard Breen 1977
Carrie Brewster 2006
Cara Brindley 2012
Elaine Minnick Brophy 1992
Eric Brophy 1992
Michael Brown Faculty/Staff
R. Terrence Brown 2012
Thomas Brown 1955
Steven Browning Student
Margaret Bruce Parent
Lori Bruch Faculty/Staff
Anthony Bruno 1978
Michael Bryant 1974
Jim Buda 1964
Lucius Bultman 1985
Alexis Burgess 2014
Kathleen Burke 2000
Matthew Burruano 2001
Nicole Lala  Burruano 2001
Jill Bury 2010
Joseph Butash 2007
Carl Caceres 2011
Kate Cafferky Giancatarino 2004
John Cahalane 1997
Jeannette Cahill 2008
Joseph Cahill 2008
John Calamoneri
Sue Calamoneri Past Parent
Anthony Cali Past Parent
Sandy Cameli
Kathleen Campbell Parent
Jeff Cancelliere 1998
Robert Cantwell 1991
Marisa Capobianco Ferst 1998
Ralph Caputo G'15
Terrence Carden 1960
Cardiac Ultrasound, Inc. Friend
John Cardone 1982
Melanie Cardone 1982
Gregory Carlin 1984
Emily Carpenter 2014
Kathryn Carpenter 2009
Domenic Casablanca 1989
Donna Rapuano Casablanca 1990
Jenna Caserta 2012
Joseph Casey, Sr. 1969
Peter Castagna 2003
Donald  Castellucci, III 2014
Melissa Cavallo 2012
Patty Cegelka Faculty/Staff
Roy Centrella 1979
Alison Chack Student
Subhodeep Chakrabarty Student
Elizabeth Chalk Faculty/Staff
Alfred Chang Friend
Linda Chang
Joe Chapman 1978
Milagros Chatelain Student
Jodi Chiodo Friend
Andy Chomko Friend
Bridget Chomko Faculty/Staff, Grad Student
John Christiano Past Parent
Patricia Christiano Past Parent
Bridget Christy 1997
Scott Christy 1993
Tara Gramigna Churilla 2011
Thomas Churilla 2009
Daniel Clark 2016
Frank P. Clarke 1967
Patricia Clifford 1986
Marcia Clow Parent
Roger Clow Parent
Dominic Coccia Past Parent
Rosemary Coccia Past Parent
Julie Cohen Faculty/Staff
Paul Colaiezzi 1986
Anne Marie Collins 1988
Joseph Collins 1990
Maryann Comiskey 1992
Thomas Comiskey 1993
Erin Conley Student
Stephen Conlon 2011
Thomas Conlon 1990
Jim Conmy 1990
Willis Conover Faculty/Staff
Jane Conway 1979
Beverly Cooper Past Parent
C. Clinton Cooper Past Parent
Matthew Cooper 1990
Michael Cooper 1982
Liza Corvetti 1998
Kerry Cosgrove Conmy 1990
Nicholas Costanzo 2006
Nicole Costanzo 2006
Jonathan Cote 2002
Laura Harmanos Cote 2002
Erin Cotter 2015
Laura Coutts Parent
Mark Coutts Parent
Madalyn Cowles 1985
Maggie Coyne 2012
Justin Cozza 2004
Kelly Cozza 2004
James Crocker
Donna Crockett
Stephanie Cronin Parent
Colin Crossley 2006
Joseph Crotti 1972
Francis Crowley Friend
Meg Cullen-Brown Faculty/Staff
Kathleen Cummings 1993
Patrick Cummings 1986
James Cummings, MD 1988
Grace Cunningham Student
Jacqueline Cusack Tenuta 1998
John Cusick 1964
Amy Cutchineal 1996
Anthony Dadario Student
Mara Jean Daidone 1985
Sarah Dalfol 2001
Rebecca Dalgin Faculty/Staff
John Daly 1984
Michele Daly
Richard Daly
Harry Dammer Faculty/Staff
Nicholas D'Andrea 2014
Joseph Daniel 2012
Matthew L. Davidson 1993
Suzanne Davidson 1993
Abigail Davis 0
Claire Davis 2008
Gemma Davis 1996
Mary Davis Parent
Robert Davis 2003
Tom Davis Parent
Robert Davis, Jr. 2003
David de Leon Student
Lee DeAngelis 1997
Nicholas DeBarbrie 2005
Christina DeBari 2000
Julianne DelBene 2006
Denise Delerme Parent
Lauren DelleDonne 2013
Karen Delmar Parent
William Delmar Parent
Kathy DeLong
Peter DeLong 2014
Tod DeLong Past Parent
Ann Delprete
Ralph Delprete Friend
Amy Demeter 2000
Douglas Demeter 1997
Connor Dempsey 2010
William Dempsey 2007
Dennis DePrimo, Sr. Parent
Derck & Edson Associates Friend
Kevin Dermody 2013
Mary DeSanctis Parent
Jim DeSanto 2002
Kathleen DeSanto 2002
Christopher DeStefano 1990
Gail Devers Friend
James Devers 1995
Clare Devine 2008
Jennifer Dice 2010
Nicole Dice 2016
Lucrecia DiDomizio 1993
Jonathan Dilley 1991
Melissa Dilley 1990
Patrick Dillon Parent
Kathleen DiMaria Friend
Deborah DiMarzio 1981
Patrick Dinapoli 1964
Andrew Dinnhaupt 1989
Annalise Diodato Student
Jackie Dionne 1989
John Dionne 1986
Daniel DiPaola Student
Gregory Dodds Parent
M. Julia Dodds Parents
LeeAnn Doherty Parent
Sean Doherty 1982
Brian Dolan 2015
Brittany Dolan 2012
Dianne Dolan Parent
Julia Dolan Student
Carl Dolente
Lisa Dolente
Timothy Donahue 2000
Patrick Donnelly 2009
Tara D'Onofrio Bonawandt 1998
Kristen Donohue 2002
Patrick Donohue 2001
Amy Donovan Parent
Dr. John Donovan Parent
Elizabeth Donovan 2015
Heather Dooley-Henry 1991
Andrew Doran 2003
Lauren Doran 2003
Maria Doria 1988
Angela Dorry Student
Bill Dougherty 1998
Erin Dougherty 1998
Michelle Dougherty 2014
John Douthit 1990
Allan Dowiak Past Parent
Judy Dowiak
Catherine Dowling 1985
Carole Doyle Dinnhaupt 1990
Debra Dragonetti Parent
Joseph Dragonetti Parent
Robert Dredge 2000
Mary Beth  Driscoll D'Andrea 1982
Owen Drozd Student
Anne Drucker Parent
Leslie Drummond Friend
Kathy Dudley Youngs Parent
Brian Duke 1979
Tom Dunn Friend
Megan  Dunne 1990
David Dzurec Faculty/Staff
Megan  Early Brady 1998
Eric Eckenrode Faculty/Staff
Lauren Eckenrode Friend
Christine Egan 1988
Kelly Ehrmann 1993
Nancy Elbert 1980
Johnston Ellen 1992
John Ellis 1999
Mary Engel Past Parent, Faculty/Staff
Colleen Erwin Parent
Deanna Every 2009
Jared Every 2003
Marissa Every 2013
Thomas Every 1998
Danamarie Every Gallagher 1997
Sarah Eynon Faculty/Staff
Jim F. Friend
Patrick Fabricatore 1998
Shuhua Fan Faculty/Staff
Christine Fanelle Gutekunst 1985
Mary Beth Farrell 1979
Sherri Fatovic G'10
Catherine Fawls 2003
Peter Fedorchak Past Parent
Gerry Feehery Parent
Michele Felins Faculty/Staff
Robert Felins Friend
Joseph Fent 2001
Erin Ferguson 1992
John Ferguson
Dr. Donald Ferrari Parent
Theresa Ferrari Parent
Ray Ferriola 1985
Arielle Ferry 2012
Joseph Fetterman Friend
Ashley Figaniak 2012
James Figaniak Past Parent
Emilia Fillizola Parent
Frederick Fischer Student
Erica  Fischer-Cartlidge 2006
Kate Fiscus 2011
Brian Fisher 1977
Kathleen Fisher 1980
Donna  Fitch Friend
James Fitch Friend
Meghan Fitzgerald 2013
Kieran Flanagan 1992
Marybeth Flanagan 1992
Denise Fleming 1988
Amy Flemming 2009
Beth Ann Dougherty Flynn 1990
Christopher Flynn 1990
Martin Flynn Friend
Patrick Foley 1979
Kristen Follo 2011
Jennifer Foltz 1991
Brian Ford 1993
Bill  Ford  1990
John Fortuna Past Parent
Margaret Fortuna Past Parent
Angela Foster G'15
Grace  Fox 1987
James Franceschelli 2012
Joseph Frasca Student
James Freels Student
Belen Fresno Student
Andra Frey Past Parent
Caroline Frey 2009
Dr. Raymond Frey Past Parent
Julianne Frey 2013
Noel Frey Student
Michael Friedrich 2013
William Fries 1974
Helen Futterknecht Parent
James Gaffney Faculty/Staff
Joseph Galanti Past Parent
Marilyn Galanti Past Parent
Marissa Galardi Student
Jason Galarza Student
Brianne Gallagher 2013
Joanna Gallagher 1990
Isabel Gallen Past Parent
James Gallen, Jr. Past Parent
Kathleen Galssell Parent
David Ganley 2006
Michelle Ganley 2006
David  Gargone 2004
Holly Garre 1990
Loretta Garrity G'65
Gerard Garvey 1973
Samantha Garvey Student
Adam Gault 2012
Pamela Gavin Parent, Faculty/Staff
Liza Gazmen 1993
Patricia Gelling 2013
Philip Gelso 1995
Anna Gemolas 2000
Joseph Gentile 1969
Darla Germeroth Faculty/Staff
Carmine Gerrity-Gemei Student
Anthony Giancatarino 2004
Claire Connolly Gibbons 2000
Ryan Gibbons 1999
Jack Giegerich 1988
Andrew Gilfillan 1998
Michele Giancatarino  Gilfillan 1998
Bill Gillespie 1995
Katie Giunta 2013
Meg Giunta 2013
John Glassell Parent
Marge  Gleason Parent, Faculty/Staff
Irene Goll Faculty/Staff
John Gonzales 1989
Kate Goodwin 2008
Tim Gorton 1997
Ian Goslin 1996
Joan Gossman Faculty/Staff
Jeffrey Grable
Maura Grable 1990
Cindy Graham Past Parent
Lawrence Gramling 1968
Margaret Gray Parent
Sarah Greczek 2006
Emmett Greeley 1994
Sophia Greeley
Andrew Gregorowicz 1981
John Gregorowicz G'77
Kimberly Gregorowicz 1987
Celeste Gregory 2001
Philip Grieco 2000
Bob Griffin 1988
Christine Griffin 1988
Eileen Griffin Friend
Michael Griffin 1981
Alan Griffith 1976
David Grizzanti 2006
Kate Groark Shields 1997
Marisa Guardino Student
David Guarino 1996
Marie Guarnuccio 1989
Michael Guarnuccio 1989
Richard Guilfoyle 2008
Richard Guilfoyle Parent
George Gulbin 1962
Kathleen Gulbin 1993
Vincent Gulotti, Jr. 1959
Judith Gunshannon 2011
Julie Guthrie  1998
Synthia Guthrie-Kretsch 0
Bill Hackett 1990
Ramin Hadizadeh 2009
Frank Hagen 1969
Daniel  Haggerty Faculty/Staff
Rebecca Haggerty Faculty/Staff
Richard Haggerty 1977
Zoe  Haggerty
Mark Haley 1981
Christine Hall Brothers 2001
Mark Halligan 1995
Meg Hambrose 1986
John J. Hambrose III 1983
Diane Hammell Parent
Gabrielle Hampsey 1989
Ronald Hampsey 1986
Thomas Hampsey G'94
Christine Hand 1984
Joe Hanlon 1990
Megan Hargrave 1992
James Harrington Past Parent
Patricia Harrington, Ed.D. Faculty/Staff
Eileen Harris Parent
John Harris, Jr. 1973
Nancy Harrity Irvine 1979
Patrick Haveron 1983
Melissa Hawtin 2007
Maura Hayden 2008
Jamesina  Hayes Faculty/Staff
Raymond Hayes 1972
Edward Hazzouri 1983
Frank Healey 1964
David Helsin Parent
Karen Helsin Parent
Winifred Heneghan Past Parent
Brian Henes 1991
John Henrikson 1998
Jennifer Henry 1993
Rob Henry 1989
John Heppler Past Parent
Susan Heppler Past Parent
Almida Hernandez Parent
Robert Heschle Parent
Susan Heschle Parent
Megan Hess 2009
Robert P. Hickey 1967
Linda Hickey Parent
Florence Hilbrandt Parent
Andrew Hill 2016
Monica Hlinka 2015
Amy Hoegen 0
Daniel Hoegen 1997
Joseph Holden 1995
Megan Fleming Holden 1995
Jacqueline Hollawell 2014
Deirdre Holle Parent
Michael Hollinger 1993
Caitlyn  Hollingshead 2006
Francis Homer 1964
David Hooper 1967
Laura Hopkins 2015
Kathleen Horan 2008
Jason Horger 1994
Harry Horn Parent
Matthew Horn 2016
Kimberly Hosgood 2012
Colin Houston 1990
Cindy Hricko 1982
Joseph Hricko 1984
Diann Hritzo Past Parent
Christine Hudacek 1997
Dorothy Hughes 1993
Joanne Hughes Pulice 1979
Kathleen Hyland 1985
Margaret Hynosky 1989
Robert Hynosky 1982
Susan Ingraffea 2001
Edward Isaacson 1994
John Isola 1990
Lucie Iuzzolino 2003
J M Cadden Co. LLC Friend
Katy Jablonowski 2001
Victoria Jagger 1983
Sr. Janet Jeffers Friend
Michael Jenkins 2006
Linda Jennings Past Parent
Doug Jones 2010
Josele Jones 1978
Christopher Jordan 1998
Christy Joswick-O'Connor 2007
Erica Joyce 2010
Patrick Joyce, III, MD Parent
Lisa Kacmarcik-Napolitano 1984
Joseph Kadow 1978
Dr. Ioannis Kallianoitis Faculty/Staff
Karen Kallio Parent
John Kameen 1963
Patrick Kane 1998
Rosemarie Kane Parent
Albert Karam 1966
Marie Karam Faculty/Staff
Christopher Karnicki 2016
Doris Karpinski 1978
Ed Karpinski 1978
Bill Kasulis 1993
Janet Keane Past Parent
Stacy Kearney 2004
Jared Keating 2013
Annabeth Keeler Faculty/Staff
Ann Marie Keffer 1997
Arthur Kelleher 1976
Christine Kelleher 2015
Lisa Keller 2011
Andrew Kelly 2012
Dina Kelly 1988
Michael Kelly 1990
Msgr. Joseph Kelly 1971
Jennifer  Kelly Dominiquini 1993
Lynne Kempski 1995
Joy Kempter 1991
Erin Kenney 1996
Shawn Kenney 2014
Donna Kerth 1996
Kurt Kiess Parent
Mark Kilner Parent
Maura Kilner Parent
John Kilpatrick G'74
Kara Kim 1993
Barbara King Faculty/Staff
Maryanne Kirk Past Parent
John Kirrane Faculty/Staff
Kristen Kispert Student
Susan Klapheke Past Parent
Katharine Kletter 1993
Frank Klimcsak Parent
Deanna Klingman 1986
Stephen Klingman Past Parent, Faculty/Staff
Marlene Kobar Stowell 1981
Megan  Kolter 2000
Kimberly Koopman Vazquez 1998
Donald Kotchick 
Kathleen Kozzi 1990
Michael Kozzi 1990
Christopher Krall 1999
Ellen O'Donnell Kranick 1986
Paul Kranick 1985
Charles Kratz Faculty/Staff
Karl Kretsch 2015
Trish Krisiak Faculty/Staff
Kristen Kristen 1988
Jack Kruper 1970
Alison Kucharski 2016
Thomas Kucinski 1985
Jean Kuehn Past Parent
Robert Kuehn Past Parent
Gretchen Kukuchka 2007
Valerie Kuramoto  1983
Therese Kurilla
Carolyn Labin Weinstein 1998
Dan Lacey
Greg Lacey
Kathleen LaFave 1997
William LaFave 1997
James Lajeunesse 1993
Jeannine Lajeunesse 1993
Bridget Lally 2016
Shawn Lamb 2011
Laura Lameo 1995
Paul Lameo 1993
Kevin Lanahan 1984
Megan Lanahan 1988
Donald Lanciotti Past Parent
Anne Lang
Annemarie Lapham 1990
Sean Lapham 1990
Jennifer LaPorta Faculty/Staff
Manuel Lara Past Parent
Lee Ann Laurenzo Parent
Thomas Lauth 1967
Denise Lay 1980
Kaitlin Lazorko 2013
Brian Leahy 1990
Colleen Currid Leahy 1994
Ed Leahy 1968
Shauna Leahy Student
Susan Leahy 1991
Thomas Leahy 1992
Kristen Leccese 2012
Kimberly Leinker 2006
Philip LeNoir 2012
Stephanie Leone 2015
Suzanne  Lepore  1990
Debbie Lewis Past Parent, Faculty/Staff
Jason Lewis 2000
Jennifer Lewis 2009
Linda Lewis Faculty/Staff
Margaret Curry Lewis 1999
Jennifer  Lichty 1993
Deanna Lindberg 2014
Melissa Linskey 2009
John Littel  1986
Michael Loeffler Student
Terence Lonergan 1989
Denise Longobardi Parent
Christopher Loretz Past Parent
Frank Loughlin Parent
Donald Loughney 1977
Maureen  Loughney Heyneman 1990
Catherine Lovecchio
Francis Lovecchio 1985
Travis Lubba Student
Laurie Luger 2009
Craig Luktach 2000
Andrew Lund 2000
Jennifer Lund 2000
James Lundy G'82
Larry  Lynch 1981
Melissa Lynch Marion 1993
George Lynett Friend
Mackenzie Mackenzie 1998
Carol Maculloch Faculty/Staff
Elizabeth Madden 1996
Mike Madden 1995
Joe Madera 1986
Philip Magaletta 1990
John Maguire Past Parent
Bishop David Mahaffey 2003
Katelyn Maher 2008
Dana Maida 2003
Alexandra Maier Faculty/Staff
Gregory Maigur 1999
Heather Maigur 2002
Sarah Malcolm 2008
Patricia Maleski 1982
Andrea Malia 0
Marikay Malley Friend
John Mallon 1988
Rick Malloy, S.J. Faculty/Staff
Julianne Mamrol 2016
Frani Mancuso 1993
Greg Mancuso 1992
Enrique Manlapid 2013
Rita Manley Past Parent
Francis Manna 2011
LeeAnn Marano 1993
Rachel Marascalco Berchmans 2003
Joseph Marchese Friend
Amanda Marcy 2010
Kristen Maresca 2009
Margaret Margaret 1990
Maria Marinucci Faculty/Staff
David Martin Faculty/Staff
Martina Martin 1980
Mary Martin 2010
Annabeth Martino 2010
Ann Marie Marx
Daniel Marx 2009
Maria Marx 2012
Cathy Mascelli Faculty/Staff
John Mascelli 1971
Mary Maselko 1981
Mary Ann Maslar 0
Mary Masterson Dombrowski 1980
Suzanne Maxwell 1990
Christina Mazzeo 2014
Michael Mazzuca 2016
Victoria McAllister 2014
Christine McBride 2013
Adrienne McCabe Parent
Elyse McCabe 2011
Neil McCabe 1968
Sean McCabe Student
Jack McCarthy 2003
Frank McCartney 1969
Megan McCloskey 1998
James McCullough 2003
James McCurry 1979
Nancy McCurry 1979
Constance McDonnell Faculty/Staff
Patricia McFadden 2010
Dan McGarrey 1988
Patricia Calamoneri  McGarrey 1988
Patrick McGee 1969
Moira McGinn 2012
Melissa McGivney 1999
Nora McGoldrick Student
Monica Vaughan  McGonigle 1978
Thomas McGonigle 1979
Gina McGovern Parent
Jacklyn McGovern Student
John McGrath Faculty/Staff
Sarah McGrath Friend
Christopher McGurren 2016
Timothy McGurrin 1976
Michael McHale 1985
Brian McHugh 1959
Theresa McIntosh 1986
Robert McKaba Parent
Adriana McKenna Parent
Robert McKenna Past Parent
Cate McKenna Furman 2009
Drew McKenzie 1990
Lauren Hosko McKenzie 2009
Patrick McKenzie 2006
Sharon McKenzie 1990
William McLane 1967
Michael  McLaughlin Parent
Theresa McLaughlin, M.D. Parent
Bridget McMahon 1992
Monica McMullan 1996
Karen McNamara Parent
Amy McNichols 1992
Anita McShea Faculty/Staff
Megan  Meehan 2006
Tom Meehan Parent
David Mehall 2006
Kathy Mehall Faculty/Staff
Maria Kristina Melgarejo 2012
Lori Mergel
Jessica Merino 2014
Salvatore Merlino 1999
Kathleen Merusi 2014
Mariel Messinetti 2011
Stacie Metelski 1990
Paris Metzger 2015
Raymond Metzger Past Parent
Christina Meyer Bric 1993
James Mezick 1961
Allyson Mical Student
Joseph Michalczyk 1971
Michael Michlowski 1973
Jody Miktus 2001
Samantha Milazzo 2016
Thomas Milisits
Samantha Milite Student
Gina Miller 2008
John Miller 2008
Lisa Miller Friend
Tabbi Miller-Scandle 1990
Anthony Minakowski Past Parent
Clifford Minor Parent
Amil Minora Friend
Carmen Minora Friend
Karen Minora Friend
Louis Minora Friend
Steven Moersdorf 1993
Donna Moga 1999
Michael Moineux 1992
Ann Mollineaux Parent
Matthew Mollineaux Student
Megan  Monastra Student
Ariel Mone 2012
William Montone 1949
Matthew Moore 2013
Nia Moore Student
Patricia  Moore 1983
Tim Moore 2011
Brighid Moran 1999
Kevin Moran 1996
Kevin Moran 2001
Lori Moran 1993
Matthew Moran 1999
Michael Moran 1993
Thomas Morano 1998
Marlana Morell 2008
Ellen Morgan 1985
Karalee Morgan 2013
Patrick Morgan 2001
Emily Morrell Student
Tom Morton Parent
Catherine Moscatt Student
Dianne Moser-Stout 1998
Godfrey Mosley 1975
Sallie Motter Parent
Mary Elizabeth Moylan 1990
Cheryl Mrazik 2006
John Mulhall Past Parent
Joseph Mulhall 2004
Kathy Mulhall Past Parent
Nicholas Mulhern Student
Victoria Mulhern Student
Melissa Hamson Mullen 2003
Moira Mullen 1993
Peter Mullen 1995
Scott Mullen 2003
Brendan Mullins 1998
Thomas Mulroy 1990
Arvind Murali Student
Carolyn Murnane 1986
Cheryl Murphy Faculty/Staff
James Murphy 1996
Justin Murphy 1976
Kenneth Murphy 1964
Monica Murphy Past Parent
Nancy Murphy 1999
Daniel Murray 1985
Joseph Murray 1991
Kelly Murray Parent
Kevin Murray Parent
Theresa McDonnell  Murray 1985
James Murtha
Maureen Murtha 1986
Jennifer Muscarello 1990
John Muschelli 2008
Alice Musto 1984
Christa Musto 2016
Kieran Myles Student
Peter Nancoz 1989
Therese Narzikul 1986
Julie Nastasi 1978
Gina Naticchi 2009
Colleen Neary 1988
Joseph Nebzydoski 1974
Taylor Nehaig Student
Neighbor Works NEPA Friend
NEPA Center for Independent Living Friend
Christopher Neumann 1987
Nancy Neumann 1987
Jaclyn Newns 2009
Jeff Nicklaus 1990
Suzanne Dolan Nicklaus 1990
Jeffrey Niessen Parent
Cheryl Nigro Parent
Adrienne Niles 2001
Keilani Noble Student
Robert Nolan Parent
Mary Lou Notari Friend
Eileen Notarianni 1991
Robert Novak, Jr. 1985
Meghan Nowakowski 2006
Salvatore Nunziata Student
Adriana Nurkiewicz 2014
Joseph Obert Parent
Larry  O'Brien 2005
Richard O'Brien 1988
Tom O'Brien 1986
Laura Ochalski Parent
Stefan Ochalski Parent
Joseph O'Connell 2008
Sarah O'Connell 1997
Sarah (Salisbury) O'Connell 2008
Kyle O'Connor 2007
Jacqueline O'Donnell Dumbroff 1987
Mairead O'Hagan 2016
Bonnie Oldham Faculty/Staff
Warren Oldham
Richard Olechna 0
Sharon Olechna 0
Christine Olert Student
John Olert Parent
Laura Olert Parent
Judith Oliver 1997
Marissa Oliveri 2014
Gary Olsen Faculty/Staff
Mari Olshefski 2001
Patrick O'Malley Parent
Jack O'Malley 1964
Julianne O'Malley-Philipp 1991
Erin O'Malley-Stewart 1994
Carl O'Neil 0
Karen O'Neil 0
Jeanne O'Neill Parent
Kathleen O'Neill Student
Margo Mackarey Opasanick 1980
Steve Opsasnick 1983
Hailey Orgass Friend
Thomas Orme 1984
Helen Otley Faculty/Staff
Craig Otto Parent
Tiffany Otto 2005
Margaret Kearney Owens 1980
Ray  Owens 1978
Pauline Palko 2010
Carolyn Pallitto Parent
Jessica Palmeri 2011
Ann Pang-White Faculty/Staff
Rev. G. Donald Pantle, S.J. Past Employee
Dr. John Parenti 1970
Maggie Parks Student
Stephen Pasterchik 1979
Radha Patel Student
Patricia Patricia 1980
Megan Patruno Friend
Casey Pavlick 2011
Autumn Pawlowski 2008
Debra Pellegrino Faculty/Staff
William Peoples 2004
Anne Peracchio 1990
David Peracchio 1990
Laurie Peslak 2007
Scott Peslak  2006
Ann Petagna 1986
Ralph Petagna 1986
Ralph Petagna Student
Glenn Petriello 2007
Carol Petrunich Past Parent
Doug Petschow 1998
Kevin Phelps 1995
Susan Phillips Friend
Danielle Piccolini 2015
Jacqueline Piccolini Past Parent
Salvatore Piccolo 1999
Salvatore Piccolo Past Parent
Maryellen Pichiarello  G'06
Natalee Picillo 1983
Cathy Pierlott 1997
Matt Pierlott 1997
Christopher Pierruszkiewicz 1989
Alexis Pileggi Student
Robin Pinches Faculty/Staff
Anthony Piombino 1990
Sarah (Sally) Pires 1985
Cindy Pirolo Parent
Colleen Pivirotto
Matthew Pivirotto 2015
Amy Pollock 1986
Colleen Poole Parent
Joseph Pooler Parent
Terri Pooler Parent
Kathleen Porter 1991
Michele Posocco Faculty/Staff
Adam Pratt Faculty/Staff
Kevin Prendergast 2015
Melanie Preston 2004
John Price 1962
Pearl Prince 1990
Debbie Proulx 1999
Marilyn Pryle 1991
Michael Puglisi Past Parent
Karen Puglisi Past Parent
Elizabeth Pulice 2010
Dominick A. Pulice, VMD 1979
Alfred Puntel Past Parent
Elizabeth Puntel Past Parent
Jeremy Puntel Friend
Erin Quinn 2009
Patricia Quinn 2010
Maureen Quinn Hellberg 1989
Kevin P. Quinn, S.J. University President
Shannon Quinn-Sheeran 1992
Albert Quisumbing 1998
Laura Radecki 2000
Linda Raimondi 1984
Mary Beth Raksnis Ferriola 1985
Erin Rayfield 1998
Joseph Redington 1993
John Redmond 1989
Maureen Reilly Parent
Joseph Rettura 1975
Joseph Rettura 1975
Cari Reynolds 2008
Casey Rhoads 2011
Jason Rhoads 2011
Cheryl Richter
Tim Rider 2005
Colleen Riff 2013
Cornelius Rightley 1992
Brian Riordan 2012
Erin Ripp 2007
Wayne Risoli 1979
Kate Ritinski 2011
Michael Ritterbeck 2009
Theresa Roberts 1989
Dr. Richard Rodgers 1967
Jay Rohr Parent
Terri Rohr Parent
Daniel Romaer Parent
Maryjane Rooney 1980
Patrick Rooney 1964
Rosemary Rosemary
Adam Rosinski, SJ 2007
Jeff Rossi 1988
John Rossi 1958
Kathleen Rossi 1988
Heather Rowan-Kenyon 1995
Abhijit Roy Faculty/Staff
Elizabeth Rozelle 1984
Warren Rozelle 0
Joseph Ruda Past Parent
Mary Ruda
Lauren Runco Williams 2007
Donna Rupp 2008
Timothy Rupp 1991
Neil Russo Parent
Anthony Russoniello 2006
Dr. Kathleen Ryan 1982
John Ryan, III Parent
Matthew Ryffel 1987
Rebecca Ryman, CPA 2006
Donald Sack Friend
Donald Sack Friend
Nicole Salezze 2008
Katherine Samuel 2010
Catherine Sanderson Faculty/Staff
Kenneth Sandrowicz 2003
Theresa Sandrowicz 2005
Katherine Sara 2016
Ryan Saraceni 2014
Sarah Werther Sarah O'Brien 2006
Madonna Savage Faculty/Staff
Michael Savage Past Parent
Tammy Savitsky Parent
Cara Sawyer 2000
Katelyn Saxer 2014
Terry schafer 1981
Jonathan Schall 2013
Erich Schauer 2002
Mary Beth Schluckebier 2009
Joseph Schmidt 1994
Melissa Schmidt 1994
Jennifer Schwartz 2005
John Schwartz 1993
Jason Schwass 2014
Larissa Schwass 2008
William Scottoline 
Angellee  Scullion 2002
Christine Scully 2014
Mark Searles 2008
Robert Sebastianelli 1965
Brian Seely Parent
Tara Seely Faculty/Staff
Lauren Seitz Student
Shawn Sekela 1987
Tom Senker 1969
Rebecca Serafin Faculty/Staff
Catherine Seymour 1990
Jeffrey Seymour 2001
Victor Sgobba 1971
Kristen Shaw 1992
Patrick Shea 1978
Brent Sheehan 1998
Thomas Sheeran III 1991
Randy Shemanski Faculty/Staff
Karen Sheridan Parent
Paul Sheridan Parent
Kathleen Shields 1997
Michael Short 1999
Susanna  Short 2001
Eileen Shovlin 1997
Linda Siedlecki 
Dana Siepietowski Student
Ruth Silsby 1991
Anthony Simone 1990
Kelley Marrinan Simone 1990
Donna Simpson Parent, Faculty/Staff
Thomas Simpson Parent
Jacqueline Singer 2007
Walter Skalla G'66
Leann Skoronski 2009
Peter Skutack Non-degree '58
James Slattery 1986
Matthew Slattery 2010
Laura Slattery (Falzon) 2009
Kevin Sluka Parent
Elyse Smilnak Student
Amy Smith Friend
Douglas Smith 1995
Eileen Smith 1990
Jim Smith Parent
Kelly Smith Faculty/Staff
Kristen Smith 2004
Mary Smith Student
Michelle Smith Parent
Terence Smith 1990
Wayne Smith Faculty/Staff
Sandra Snyder 1993
Jillian Sommerville Therrien 2005
Joseph Sorbera 2008
Greg Sorcsek  1968
Alex Spark Student
Joseph Speicher 1970
Michael Spiteri Parent
Hope Gaffney St. Clair 1997
Timothy St. Clair 1996
Kathleen St. Jeanos Past Parent
Maire St. Ledger 1996
Diane Standen Parent
Catherine Staples 0
Bridgett  Stapleton 1986
Melissa Starace Faculty/Staff
Craig Steel 1999
Eileen Steele 1989
James Steele 1988
Barbara Steinmetz Past Parent
Edward Steinmetz 1981
Jason Steinmetz 2009
Megan Stewart 2012
Stirna's Restaurant Friend
Brandon Straight Student
Isabel Straight Parent
Hayden Strickland 2015
Sheila Strickland Faculty/Staff
Rosemary Striefsky Faculty/Staff
Kim Subasic Faculty/Staff
Kiran Subba 2003
Geraldine Subba
Brian Sullivan 1993
Patricia Sullivan 1980
Caroline Swift 2012
Joseph Swift 1999
Charles Swope Student
David Szatkowski 1986
Camille Szczecina Parent
Sylvia Szerszen 2010
Dr. Ilean Szymanski Faculty/Staff
PJ Tabit 2010
Kaitlin Taft 2010
Mary Theresa Taglang 1991
Alison Takacs 1988
Gene Talerico 1989
Katelyn Talty Student
Stephanie Tantum Conserette 2008
Lisa Taormina 2011
Christine Tarbox Murphy 1995
David Taylor 1969
Maureen Taylor Student
Ashley Teatum 2009
Jacqueline Tenuta 1998
Patricia Tetreault 1993
Billy Thomsen 2013
Nicole Thomsen 2008
Linda Thorbahn 1987
Most Rev. James C. Timlin, D.D. Former Trustee, H'87
Matthew Tirella 2009
Michael Tofani Parent
Janet Tomasic Parent
Mr. Alan Tomasic Parent
Kenneth Tong 2015
Suzanne Toppy 1993
David Tordella 1972
Kate Totino 2001
Khang Tran Friend
Luat Tran Friend
Tu Tran Friend
Uyen Tran Friend
Gerard Treacy 1988
Jennifer Trella 1989
Sarah Trinchitella  2012
Anthony Troisi Past Parent
Christopher Troisi 2015
Laura Troisi Past Parent
Karen Troni 1990
John Tronoski 1990
Kathleen Trotter Parent
Brad Troy 2002
April Troy, M.D. 2002
Connor Tucciarone 2014
Donna Tucker 0
Shawn Tweedt 1996
Joseph Ulichny 2006
Thomas Umile 2006
Pat Vaccaro Faculty/Staff
Monica Vaidya 2016
Danielle Van Wert 2008
Susan Vanderbeek 1988
Kelly VanTassel 2000
Mark Vanyo 1997
Joseph Vaszily 1995
James Vaughan 2009
Daniel Veet 1974
Anthony Vigliotta 2003
Kathleen Violand-Tortorella 1983
Dillon Vita Parent
Eileen Vita Parent
Mollie Vita 2011
William Vita 1951
William Vita Parent
Drew Von Bergen 1961
Sasha-lee  Vos 2014
Karen Vossenberg
Elizabeth Waldron 1990
William Waldron 1990
Daniel Walsh 2000
John Walsh 1975
Kelly Walsh 2000
Lewis Walsh 1970
Julianne Walton 1988
Siemong Wang Friend
Norman Warner 1976
Joseph Wascalis 1958
Shawn Washart 2012
Seth Wasnock 2009
Connie Watko Parent
Ed Watko Parent
Ferdinand Weiss 1968
Thom Welby Friend
Paul Wenke Past Parent
Margaret Wenke Past Parent
Robert Werner 2013
Michael Wertz 1990
Cathryn West
Mary Whalen 1986
David White 2015
Teresa Whitehouse Student
Chasity Whitmore 2014
Christina Whitney G'06
Elizabeth Whritenour Parent
Maryellen Whritenour Parent
Constance Widso 1993
Edward Wilbak Parent
Maria Wileczek (Bellino) 1998
Emily Williams 2016
Matthew Williams Student
Dave Williams  1990
Elizabeth Wilson Morello 2002
Barbara Wilton Parent
Janice Winslow 1984
Richard Winslow 1994
Constance Wisdo 1993
Robert Wisdo 0
Jay Wittmann 2016
Dr. Helen Wolf Faculty/Staff
Ted Wolff 1974
Amy Wolstenholme  1993
Kathleen Woodruff 1986
Kathryn Wynn Faculty/Staff
Martin Wynn 1974
Olivia Wynn 2015
George Yager 1988
Lisa Yager 1988
Joseph Yale 1981
Christine Yannes
Rocco Yanora G'84
Peter Yatcilla 1991
Marcia Yatcilla (nee Splitt) 1992
Jane Yeomans 2004
Diane York Past Parent
Adrienne Yourek 2000
Keith Yurgosky 1991
Marion Yurgosky 1991
Gerald Zaboski 1987
Maureen Zaboski 1985
Kevin Zajac 1999
Margarete Zalon Faculty/Staff
Jason Zazyczny 1994
Linda Zazzeri
Michael Zazzeri 1987
Sue Zelenak
Robert Zelno 1966
James Ziegler Parent
Lilian Ziegler Parent
Gerald Zielinski 1977
Mary Zielinski 1977
D. Christine Ziella Peters 1994
John Zimmerman 1967
Kelly Zimmermann 2012
John Zukauskas Friend

Lucky Donor Prizes

Throughout the day, we will be thanking some of our donors with special gifts! For example, our 52nd donor will be recognized with a Scranton 5.06 t-shirt because there are Scranton alumni in 52 countries.

3: The number of National Championships Scranton has won: Donna Simpson P'18

8: The University of Scranton's ranking in the 2016 edition of Best Colleges in the North: Msgr. Joseph P. Kelly '71

10: The number of International Service Program trips in 2016: Alexandra Bilancia '12

14: Princeton Review has included Scranton among its "Best Colleges" for the past 14 years: Philip Gelso '95

15: This year will be the President's Business Council's 15th Annual Award Dinner: Rocco Yanora '84

17: The University has earned accreditation from 17 different accrediting agencies: Arielle Ferry '12

18: The number of intercollegiate teams: Annabeth Martino '10

21: The average class size at the University of Scranton: David Tordella '72

23: The number of intramural sports: Karen and Kevin McNamara P'19

25: The number of University Presidents: Benjamin Alexander '15

28: The number of Jesuit universities throughout the U.S.: Cate McKenna Furman '09

29: The number of Master's Degree Programs: Colleen '99 and John '88 Henrikson 

47: There are 47,000 alumni worldwide: Heather '02 and Gregory '99 Maigur

52: There are University of Scranton alumni in 52 countries: Christine Hall Brothers '01

58: The number of acres that make up the University: Willis Conover, Professor Emeritus 

66: The number of Bachelor's Degree Programs:Danielle Piccolini '15

81: The University of Scranton is located off Interstate 81: Adrienne Niles '01

87: The percent of full-time first-year students who live on campus: Kaitlin Lazorko '13

101: The number of NCAA Tournament appearances: John Littel '86

107: The total number of I.S.P. participants this year: Erin Rayfield '98

130: The new building, Leahy Hall, is officially the tallest building at the University standing 130 feet.: Colleen and Michael Poole P'17

148: The number of Fulbright scholars since 1972: Kevin Prendergast '15

166: Forbes ranked Scranton #166 in its 2016 publication of America's Best Value Colleges: Jenna Caserta '12

301: Prospective University of Scranton students must have their applications in by 3/01: Brian Dolan '15

304: The number of full time faculty members: Lauren Runco Williams '07

432: In the past two years, University of Scranton students have completed internships for credit at 432 organizations: Timothy Rupp '91

5.06: Scranton's Day of Giving!: Shawn Washart '12

532: Since 1983, a total of 532 University of Scranton graduates have chosen full-time volunteer service over employment: Alfred and Elizabeth Puntel P'01

570: Scranton's area code: Christine Egan '88

719: 71.9% of full time undergraduates receive some kind of need-based financial aid: Rebecca Haggerty '09

924: The number of undergraduate students in the class of 2019: Thomas Mulroy '90

1638: The number of student, physician, and nurse volunteers in the University's Leahy Clinic provide free healthcare services to Lackawanna County's uninsured residents: Kristina Barbarevech '14

1888: The year the University of Scranton was founded as St. Thomas College: Collen Fowler '88

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