
30 Years & Flocks of Volunteers

Celebrate 30 Years Of Service On 5.06

FlaminGO Forth and Set the World on Fire 

Campus Ministries' Center for Service and Social Justice is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year! Over the past 30 years, the program has been dedicated to advancing the Jesuit tradition of forming men and women for and with others. Tens of thousands of Scranton volunteers have completed hundreds of thousands of service hours since 1986 through thousands of programs. 


A special message from Pat Vaccaro, Director of Campus Ministries' Center for Service and Social Justice to her flock of volunteers...


Celebrate with Pat on Scranton's Day of Giving by supporting The Center for Service and Social Justice with a gift of at least $30. When you do, we'll place a pink lawn flamingo on Founder's Green! Your support will ensure that The Center for Service and Social Justice can continue to develop programs to serve those in need while providing Scranton students with a superior, transformational learning experience. Spread the word! 

Flock Give Online  Flock Call


*When you make your gift, leave a special message for Pat and we'll place it on your flamingo.*

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