University Advancement
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University Development
The SPARK Challenge
Joe Holden and Megan Fleming Holden, graduates of the Class of 1995, have announced they will match gifts made to the SPARK program dollar-for-dollar up to $2,500.
Pat Vaccaro, from The University’s Center for Service and Social Justice, started the SPARK Program in 2012 along with Scranton Grad and current Scranton Prep teacher, Danny Marx '09. The SPARK Program brings about 30 at-risk teens and pre-teens between the ages of 12 and 16 from the Scranton area to Chapman Lake for a week long summer day camp. The program's goal is to provide a safe haven for the kids while fostering teamwork and self-esteem through educational and outdoor activities. The camp is led by ten University of Scranton students and ten Scranton Prep students. Alumni visit throughout the week to talk to the camp leaders about how their Jesuit education impacted their lives.
Joe Holden spent a few days at the camp last summer with his sons, Liam and Quinn, and had the opportunity to share his story (with plenty of color commentary by Liam). More importantly, he got to witness first-hand the impact Pat and her team of students had on the kids. Joe and Megan want to help keep that going but can't do it alone.
It costs about $10,000 to run the week long camp. Please donate today to help sustain this valuable program.