Thanks for stopping to view our Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month poster series. The series contains a total of 8 posters that can be found in 4 different locations on campus. The decentralized exhibit contains information on different aspects of the Asian American Experience and Asian American contributions to American History and Culture from the 1860s up until today.
In posters 7 and 8 you can read about how Asian culture transformed American culture, including introducing Asian cuisine to American diets and Asian Americans roles in pioneering new efforts in literature, science, technology, fashion, cinema, and the performing arts.
You’re currently at the last stop! Thanks for completing the journey and learning more!
If this is your first stop on the journey, you can also backtrack to see the start of the poster series in the LSC Atrium near the Kinmen Peace Bell, a gift of the government of Taiwan. You can also work your way backwards by seeing posters 5 and 6 in the lobby of Brennan Hall, posters 3 and 4 in the lobby of the Weinberg Memorial Library, and posters 1 and 2 in the LSC Atrium.